Sunday, 4 March 2012

So I'm thoroughly enjoying writing up a storm..whether or not I have any readers, it is a wonderful avenue for getting your thoughts out there...cathartic actually! It's Sunday. Love Sunday's ;) As I sit in my kitchen with the oven timer ringing, the drinking water tap running, oh..and my Husband tapping the bongo drums we have at the bottom of he basement stairs (gotta love 'em; everyone who comes over can't resist giving them a drum or two!), it can't get any better than this! Had my rrrroll up the rim coffee...still yet to win MY car or bike...I think with all the effort I put into winning (ahem buying) I should either have won or have stakes in the Company!). Sorry..keep getting side-tracked (for which I'm often am found scolding our Son over!!). Oops..did it again! Anyway, just putting it out there how simple things can really make you feel so good (taps and timers? Really?!). Yes. Really. It doesn't take much to make this gal happy (I think they call that a cheap date?!). So from there, it takes me to those we see on tv all too often heading into rehab from too much alcohol or drugs..or both. Or...the Whitney's and Amy Winehouse's of the World who are sadly gone too soon due to their addictions. Why is it with all their talent and money, so many Stars just can't keep it together. I love it when I see those in the world of Fame and Fortune, who seem to be enjoying a successful life with Family, Friends and so much success. They don't need all the junk of addictions and I wish more of those in the glitzy world of movies and music would take a leaf out of their novels and be the role models they should be. Why can't they handle their fame...and why can others? It's terribly sad - and I find frustrating - to see so many stars of late especially - falling to their problems. I have no idea where my writing will take me when I sit down to blog! Couldn't have foreseen that by sitting in my noisy, happy Kitchen that it would spark my pity for those who don't know what plain old Happiness is - the free kind! Well...taps and timers are off....time for me to grab my new crutches and hobble somewhere. There certainly IS an art to using them; I think I've taken down a person or two each day since being told to use 'em!! Hey..I cant do anything least I'm graceful as I fall! Enjoy your day...enjoy the small things.....Give someone you love a hug...

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