Thursday, 1 March 2012

Getting caught up on TV...

Here I am again! Most likely with more 'something about nothing!!). I've begun a blog at various intervals throughout the day whilst I lie in bed (bed ridden with an injury alas!), and each time had to stop for either a business call, eating (very important in my day!!),or Parent-Teacher night at School! But...with each interruption has come a better topic for me to write about! Do you ever watch Ellen? I am getting in the loop with daytime tv (sigh...would really be out there doing useful things and not being forced to watch tv during the day..yes!! I mean that!). However..all my rambling is getting to the point I want to make - and that is: what a generous, giving Person she is! I have found myself smiling every time I watch her..from the dance at the beginning (NO ONE dances once they hit a certain age....I LOVE the fact that she brings the inner dancer out in people! More people should just have fun like that!'s the giving which really touches me. Today it was a girl who loves Justin Bieber....long story very short: she surprised her at the Studio with the real Justin Bieber. From there she then surprised Justin with gifts since it was his 18th Birthday. Justin Bieber himself: did you even KNOW how much time he gives to young Fans - with Make a Wish etc??? This guy makes the day of so many ill children! I have finished watching the shows each time with a renewed sense of knowing I need to do more for others in need. If I I weren't stuck in my room currently (don't get me our bedroom but have had enough of it currently and am ready to run somewhere with my hair flying behind me in the wind...(well...that sorta sounds like my hair is a separate entity...but you get my drift, eh?!), I'd be out there doing something more. More people should watch Ellen to become inspired (and totally entertained along the way also!) and this World would be on its way to being a better, happier, more giving place. On a side note...I really do love grammar doesn't have to be perfect!!! Go out and do something for someone: as they say - when you really do receive. (well...something like that.....).... Stay well this next time!

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