Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Your Journey to YOU!
Almost Christmas! How time flies! As this year draws to a close, have you thought about what you are going to do - to make next year your best yet?
I had the most delightful email from a Friend this morning who is also a Client of mine. It was to a few of us helping her on her Journey for better health...and it outlined in detail how she has fared....what improvements have occurred (and there were a LOT!) and how she feels as a result. I tell you...it was the kind of email that would make anyone's day when it's from a Client on how well they are progressing. Especially knowing you are honoured enough to be a part of that journey.
It inspired and got me thinking (yes...it hurts, but I do it!).
* What can I say about myself when looking back over this year?
* What has improved? Perhaps...what hasn't?
From this...I want to look at a New Year. It's so exciting and it brings so much promise! My goals are numerous and there is SO much I want to improve upon - in a positive way...not in a way that I'm stressing myself out!
Have you thought about 2013 yet? Was this the year you were going to start on your Journey to YOU? That year where you have finally decided - ENOUGH! I want to feel the best I've ever felt! I want people to look at me and know that in my 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and more....that I'm in the best shape I have been in. And I ROCK!!!
It truly is easy when you put your mind to it.
* Grab a cup of tea this evening (dare I say a glass of wine?);
* Sit by your fire (okay...if no fire.....sit cozily on your couch looking at the sparkling Christmas Tree if you have one!;
* Grab a journal or pad and write down how you want to feel next year. Yes..write down your goals, but truly..how do you want to FEEL?
* Lastly....what do you need to do to get to that feeling? Who do you need to help you on your Journey to YOU??
It really can be done. You really can "Shine" from the inside out with energy galore and have people wonder what's happened since you exude so much positive energy! You honestly need to work out your plan.....and put that plan in place.
Need help making up your plan? Ask me for help!!! I can help you...from a Fitness Perspective (I offer hour Consultations and we can get SO much covered!! Not only that...I'll make sure I send you on your way KNOWING you can do this!!!)....I can put you in touch with others who you feel you need to talk to to help also.
So...who's on your Team... and what's your Journey to be??
I'm excited for you!!! You should be too! Why not look back at Christmas next year...and perhaps you will be sending me the same email as my Client/Friend above reporting all the positive changes that have occurred to make you feel absolutely wonderful!!
As they say...
Just do it.
Shine On!!
Monday, 3 December 2012
Bet you didn't think of Christmas Decorating as Exercise!!
I don't know about you...but we store our Christmas decorations in bins in our cold room and Saturday was the day to decorate! The boys weren't home and I was in one of those moods to get things done so decided to grab the bins...and for some reason...the tree which was stuffed in there also!
Have you put up your decorations yet? If not...perhaps keep this article in mind as you do so! Don't have time to work out? Utilize your decorating time!!! If you think about it as you work....you could be working shoulders, biceps, abs, legs and more!
Need to reach up for boxes? Squeeze your abs! When I say squeeze...I'm saying imagine trying to pull your belly button towards your spine and keep it there (whilst breathing of course!).
Do you have something up high but need to lift it over something else to get it own? You'll need to use your upper body strength as you lift over but wait!! What's going on in your core? Squeeze those abs again, but I bet as you lift up and over you can feel the rotational work going on. As well as the full core....you are working those oblique muscles hard!
Now....are your decorations upstairs? Downstairs? When going empty handed - RUN up or down! If you have multiple boxes and tree parts to get...you could be going up and down those stairs ten times or more! As you go up with the boxes or tree in your arms...be careful (and don't run!) but now you've added weight and are working those muscles hard through resistance!
Lifting up items and putting them down...I'm sure you are bending this knees (yes?!)...liken this to squatting...now you are working your quads, butt.....etc, etc... Bend low! Add an extra squat here and there!
See what I mean? If you feel you don't have the time to work out (which will be the subject of my next blog!! (LOTS of tips and NO excuses!) utilize what you are doing while Christmas decorating and make it work for you! I was decorating, running, climbing, squeezing for a good hour - and I didn't even TOUCH on you the work going on as you put your tree together, put on the lights (if they aren't already on lol!) and decorate it!!! - meaning I was working my muscles for a good amount of time!
You must focus and be in the moment when doing this.....sounds corny I know ...but feel what is going on when doing these things; think about the muscle(s) hard at work...I'm always telling my Clients to visualize the muscle(s) hard at work!
Go ahead! Decorate...and work hard as you do so! Already decorated? No worries! You can use these tips when pulling it all down!!
Have a 'Shining' Christmas!!
Friday, 26 October 2012
Breakfast with a bonus!
I am totally honoured to be a Member of a fantastic Group of Women, known as W.I.N. More than a Networking Group (of approx 15 Firecrackers!), it is a Resource Group: from National Executives of Foundations, to a Superintendent of Education.....a Lawyer, Commercial Banker, Business Owners, Life Coach and so much more. And yes...like you...I wonder how the heck I got invited to become a Member years ago!! I ALWAYS leave our monthly Breakfasts feeling inspired, invigorated and like a naughty child caught taking a cookie! I'm amongst some wonderful Women who after all these years I'm honoured to call my Friends! More than a Resource Group though.....we have also become a Sisterhood: friendships being forged, support of each other through trying times and yet more support and celebrations through our successes! We always end ur year at a Summer Retreat which one Member holds - since she has a beautiful, summer property to offer. We have a catered dinner, stay overnight and enjoy each other's company in a relaxed setting!
I love it!
Today, we were lucky enough to have Martha Powell, President and C.E.O. Of London Community Foundation join us. While we enjoyed listening to her in the gorgeous surroundings of The River Room at Museum London (I definitely recommend the River Room!), she opened our eyes up to not only the wonderful work the Foundation carries out....but of the many, perhaps hidden, issues that London faces...such as the stat that 12.8% of children IN London live in poverty - compared with the National average of 8.2% in Canada! (2010, Statistics Canada). Also... 20.1% of adults in London are obese....with the National average being 18%. So many eye-opening stats were relayed to us it was surprising.
The great side to this was realizing the Foundation is there and trying to change the stats and improve London. Not only that, but you can only imagine the interesting, in-depth discussions Martha's Presentation brought forth from us all!
What came through (as it does time and again to me) is how passionate we (all) women are about helping. How supportive of each other we are...and how strong we are! It's truly wonderful to see. To know there are women (and Men too...but my Blog is on the support of Women today!) such as Martha at the helm of such Projects...and after having our discussions as we did..the ideas, thoughts, and wish to help is so strong....made me not only proud to be from this wonderful City...but to also be a part of the amazing Women's Business Communitywe are lucky to have!
I know my Husband and I are stepping up our Community's involvement this year...and I have thoughts milling around about what I want to do to help children....what did come through is how do we get the Generation Y to feel more in need to help and get involved! It seems the advent of social media has made it harder to get them involved. If you have a teen...perhaps ask them what would make them want to help? What are they passionate about.....what pulls at their heart strings most. It's a question worth asking...I know I'll be asking our Son......there are so many wonderful 'Y's helping already...how great to add to the group!
So much was discussed today...too many subjects to mention....but...what a way to start a Friday and go into the weekend! Hopefully you belong to an inspiring Group yourself...I know there are so many out there...getting so much done! It certainly makes you want to do more hearing the plights of some...and it's good to be reminded that help is always needed.
Go W.I.N go!
Shine on...
I love it!
Today, we were lucky enough to have Martha Powell, President and C.E.O. Of London Community Foundation join us. While we enjoyed listening to her in the gorgeous surroundings of The River Room at Museum London (I definitely recommend the River Room!), she opened our eyes up to not only the wonderful work the Foundation carries out....but of the many, perhaps hidden, issues that London faces...such as the stat that 12.8% of children IN London live in poverty - compared with the National average of 8.2% in Canada! (2010, Statistics Canada). Also... 20.1% of adults in London are obese....with the National average being 18%. So many eye-opening stats were relayed to us it was surprising.
The great side to this was realizing the Foundation is there and trying to change the stats and improve London. Not only that, but you can only imagine the interesting, in-depth discussions Martha's Presentation brought forth from us all!
What came through (as it does time and again to me) is how passionate we (all) women are about helping. How supportive of each other we are...and how strong we are! It's truly wonderful to see. To know there are women (and Men too...but my Blog is on the support of Women today!) such as Martha at the helm of such Projects...and after having our discussions as we did..the ideas, thoughts, and wish to help is so strong....made me not only proud to be from this wonderful City...but to also be a part of the amazing Women's Business Communitywe are lucky to have!
I know my Husband and I are stepping up our Community's involvement this year...and I have thoughts milling around about what I want to do to help children....what did come through is how do we get the Generation Y to feel more in need to help and get involved! It seems the advent of social media has made it harder to get them involved. If you have a teen...perhaps ask them what would make them want to help? What are they passionate about.....what pulls at their heart strings most. It's a question worth asking...I know I'll be asking our Son......there are so many wonderful 'Y's helping already...how great to add to the group!
So much was discussed today...too many subjects to mention....but...what a way to start a Friday and go into the weekend! Hopefully you belong to an inspiring Group yourself...I know there are so many out there...getting so much done! It certainly makes you want to do more hearing the plights of some...and it's good to be reminded that help is always needed.
Go W.I.N go!
Shine on...
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Strong is sexy..curvy is beautiful.
I am so glad some Stars are 'getting' it (although I feel as many are...the same number aren't!).
The only time I read gossip is when I'm torturing myself on a cardio machine...it seriously helps me through it (what does that mean, I wonder? Lol). I've been on a roll ('scuse the pun!), lately about negative self-talk, negative self-image and how the media are really not helping the youngsters of today (girls personally and boys with ultimately how they might view girls). It's so important to feel confident and good in your own skin.
So I was THRILLED to see an article in a gossip mag with before and after pictures of Actresses who were too skinny...said to hell with the establishment (ahem Hollywood), Directors' wishes for sticks in roles and gained weight to look healthier!
EUREEEEEEEKA GIRLS! These are articles our daughters etc, need to see! Tyra Banks was one; Leah Michelle from Glee and more! And they look beautiful! Strong, toned, sexy and healthy!
How we are to get the message out there to the girls of today that strong is sexy and that dieting, eating NO protein, etc, etc, is NOT the way to go...I'm not sure.....there are still too many with the wrong idea on what is right. I wish there was more self esteem, confidence..the 'what the heck' attitude out there...rebelling against this need to be tiny.
But I know I've been there-done-that. It took me 43 years (literally) to finally realize I should feel great abut myself no matter my weight (let's correct that...I don't weigh myself!!). I was one of those teased for chubbiness as a youngster (which is funny since I look at all my childhood pix and I wasn't at all chubby!)...but...teased enough and it sticks! I know what it's like to grow up seeing the negative points about yourself (I would be self deprecating in a jokey fashion...figuring if I point my flaws out first in a funny sense, others wouldn't need to.) and continuing them on to adulthood. But!! Now all the negative self views are BANISHED!! Heck...I even go out to the gym with my hair a mess lol! I've come a long way!
Lets try to guide our girls to this feeling of freedom and confidence while they are young...rather than them figuring it all out in their 40's!! If one girl 'gets it' that's a start!
This Blog came about due to Shape Magazine's article today on STOP THE FAT TALK. Great article and a must read.
Come on...lets go get those girls and inspire them all to feel great without the worries of others' opinions!!
Enjoy your day....
The only time I read gossip is when I'm torturing myself on a cardio machine...it seriously helps me through it (what does that mean, I wonder? Lol). I've been on a roll ('scuse the pun!), lately about negative self-talk, negative self-image and how the media are really not helping the youngsters of today (girls personally and boys with ultimately how they might view girls). It's so important to feel confident and good in your own skin.
So I was THRILLED to see an article in a gossip mag with before and after pictures of Actresses who were too skinny...said to hell with the establishment (ahem Hollywood), Directors' wishes for sticks in roles and gained weight to look healthier!
EUREEEEEEEKA GIRLS! These are articles our daughters etc, need to see! Tyra Banks was one; Leah Michelle from Glee and more! And they look beautiful! Strong, toned, sexy and healthy!
How we are to get the message out there to the girls of today that strong is sexy and that dieting, eating NO protein, etc, etc, is NOT the way to go...I'm not sure.....there are still too many with the wrong idea on what is right. I wish there was more self esteem, confidence..the 'what the heck' attitude out there...rebelling against this need to be tiny.
But I know I've been there-done-that. It took me 43 years (literally) to finally realize I should feel great abut myself no matter my weight (let's correct that...I don't weigh myself!!). I was one of those teased for chubbiness as a youngster (which is funny since I look at all my childhood pix and I wasn't at all chubby!)...but...teased enough and it sticks! I know what it's like to grow up seeing the negative points about yourself (I would be self deprecating in a jokey fashion...figuring if I point my flaws out first in a funny sense, others wouldn't need to.) and continuing them on to adulthood. But!! Now all the negative self views are BANISHED!! Heck...I even go out to the gym with my hair a mess lol! I've come a long way!
Lets try to guide our girls to this feeling of freedom and confidence while they are young...rather than them figuring it all out in their 40's!! If one girl 'gets it' that's a start!
This Blog came about due to Shape Magazine's article today on STOP THE FAT TALK. Great article and a must read.
Come on...lets go get those girls and inspire them all to feel great without the worries of others' opinions!!
Enjoy your day....
Monday, 1 October 2012
No wonder girls have such incorrect views on weight!
Happy October!
I hope this Month finds you well...looking forward to Thanksgiving and you are enjoying the lovely cooler, colourful days!
I must admit...mine is a bit of a 'shake your head' post today....I mean: I KNOW gossip magazines are really just that: gossip....but one article I was reading while slogging away on my cardio machine today at a gazillion miles per hour (perhaps slightly embellished) had my head spinning - and yes....I'm going off on a tangent here...but the ONLY time I resort to gossip magazines is to help me thru my cardio workout.
So...what article had me enraged? It was about poor old Jessica Simpson. Now..she isn't necessarily a public figure I overly admire....but she's cute...going thru life doing what works for her...and earning herself a few mansions along the way to put it mildly! We all know I would think that she recently gave birth to a baby...and now she is going through the challenge most of us have been through, of losing that darned baby-weight (personally...I often joke that nearly 16 years later, I'm still losing mine, lol!). Yes...she's become the latest Star to be the weight watchers spokesperson (I ask you: WHEN will WW use 'real' women?!). This has therefore put the poor is it chicken or is it fish? Star in the weight limelight. And here...finally...we get to my anger. The article centred around comments which people are saying about how large she is...how she resembles some wild animal and how she is a disgrace. I honestly had to pull myself back on my machine I was SO floored!
I have many questions (one of them being...did In Touch really have to put out such a nasty article?) and here are some of them.....and they keep growing:
Why do people focus so much on weight gain when it's a new Mom - or at all?
What gives these people the right or authority to pick holes in her?
Are these people fit, (doubt it), strong (can't imagine so), happy (nooooo way!!), successful (no comment) people who are full of authority? And if they were...they still would never have this 'authority' to judge?
Do these people have Mothers, Sisters, Wives or God forbid - Daughters of their own?
What message goes out there when someone is so slayed verbally for their weight, their image???
These are just a few of my questions.....
This is a new Mother going thru the challenges that come along with that in itself...she is being healthy, and is doing all of this in the public eye. For others to be so nasty...and to re-emphasize this terrible Issue that is out there with weight, image and mainly females..is just ludicrous. We all know daughters, nieces, friends of children who are lacking self-confidence. These girls STILL have this subject totally screwed up due to articles written like this...or tv shows with actresses who are 'perfect' and models who resemble sticks. No wonder they all wish to be thin, tiny, perfect. I s'pose the nasty kids (girls and boys) who bully the more overweight kids are the ones who grow up to sit down and take the time to write nasty comments about people. What's going to end this?
If you haven't watched Miss-Independence...the film which highlights all if these issues and more...watch it. Better yet get every male you know to do so too..take it to your schools. Talk to your kids about self image, self respect, empathy and respect of others.
I had a female, young relative recently tell me all the girls (regardless of height, body shape, etc etc) want to be 120 pounds...even worse was they don't eat protein - COZ THEY DON'T WANT TO BE FAT!! I ask again...what's going on?
What can we do to rectify this? Hasn't anyone heard strong is the new sexy? If only these girls 'got it' while young that to be toned, fit, strong...makes you feel soooooo good! And...believe it or not...you get compliments! Your inner strength and confidence soars!
I still go back to these awful people making those comments about Jessica: somehow I don't believe 'winners', positive thinkers, great role models or self-fulfilled, HAPPY people would resort to this. Which..perhaps if they were more active and felt more confident in themselves, they would be making successes of themselves...instead of pulling others down.
Talk to your children.....educate your Daughters (no!!! 1000 calories a day is NOT enough!!!), get them fit...make them feel empowered and help the next generation realize its not about weight...it's how you feel inside..it's about being strong, healthy, happy and understanding that the sticks we see in Hollywood aren't right...the 'real' people such as Jessica are more like us and we can't fault someone for baby fat!
SHINE On...and help a young girl get the right message....
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Are you getting anywhere?
One thing I've noticed a lot of the time working with many over the years - and observing too - is the hard work (and time!) people put into their workouts.......yet don't quite have the form down. The tiniest difference in foot positioning, weight bearing, etc...can make all the difference between right and wrong.
Why does this matter? I hear you say? Great question! And it DOES matter! Perhaps your feet are placed incorrectly...this could lead to the knees leaning in and in turn knee issues. Keep in mind everything is connected...so perhaps a knee issue could turn into something else since the incorrect stance made you compensate somewhere else? We must think about these things!
For those of you on my Facebook page, I will be concentrating on typical issues or errors people do - and showing you how to rectify them. But for now....think about your workouts. How safe are they? Remember: you only want to build on a moves difficulty when you have the base form correct. I liken it to us being like trees...our feet are the root system. We must ensure they are in the right place in order for the move to work. From there...move up your body; check out how/where your knees are; are your abs activated? Is your back long, etc, etc.
Take the time at the beginning of every move to do a check in everything. If your body is in the correct position with the correct base, you will decrease chances of injury, allow yourself to build on strength and modify moves correctly and better yet, you will see and feel results since yu are doing things RIGHT! I'm always reminded of instructing a weight class at a Gym here and how one gal would always stand at the front .....heavy weights on her bar; as many times as I told her how to correctly do a squat - I was almost blue in the face actually - she NEVER waivered from 'her' version: tilting the body compleeeetely forward and bending so low, going over her toes (OUCH!).
I know I can't reach everyone...but...for those I can, my message is clear and I feel a very important one: if you are keeping fit with exercise, constantly check your form, set-up each move correctly and if you aren't quite sure....ASK ;) there is no point spending time doing a move incorrectly...save yourself time and injury by doing it right.
Many of my Clients needed a small 'tweak' on their squats and lunges....I typically get responses such as "wow!, can I ever feel the difference!' or 'I never knew that'! I feel sometimes it's worth having refresher Sessions for groups just to ensure people are correct in their form.
Work right....allows you to work harder!!
Why does this matter? I hear you say? Great question! And it DOES matter! Perhaps your feet are placed incorrectly...this could lead to the knees leaning in and in turn knee issues. Keep in mind everything is connected...so perhaps a knee issue could turn into something else since the incorrect stance made you compensate somewhere else? We must think about these things!
For those of you on my Facebook page, I will be concentrating on typical issues or errors people do - and showing you how to rectify them. But for now....think about your workouts. How safe are they? Remember: you only want to build on a moves difficulty when you have the base form correct. I liken it to us being like trees...our feet are the root system. We must ensure they are in the right place in order for the move to work. From there...move up your body; check out how/where your knees are; are your abs activated? Is your back long, etc, etc.
Take the time at the beginning of every move to do a check in everything. If your body is in the correct position with the correct base, you will decrease chances of injury, allow yourself to build on strength and modify moves correctly and better yet, you will see and feel results since yu are doing things RIGHT! I'm always reminded of instructing a weight class at a Gym here and how one gal would always stand at the front .....heavy weights on her bar; as many times as I told her how to correctly do a squat - I was almost blue in the face actually - she NEVER waivered from 'her' version: tilting the body compleeeetely forward and bending so low, going over her toes (OUCH!).
I know I can't reach everyone...but...for those I can, my message is clear and I feel a very important one: if you are keeping fit with exercise, constantly check your form, set-up each move correctly and if you aren't quite sure....ASK ;) there is no point spending time doing a move incorrectly...save yourself time and injury by doing it right.
Many of my Clients needed a small 'tweak' on their squats and lunges....I typically get responses such as "wow!, can I ever feel the difference!' or 'I never knew that'! I feel sometimes it's worth having refresher Sessions for groups just to ensure people are correct in their form.
Work right....allows you to work harder!!
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Reality Check; calipers and computers!
So.....I figured I'd write a bit of honesty here....so everyone out there who knows I'm a Trainer can see I'm 'real'....and by real I mean chubbly-having-eaten-out a bit too much real this Summer!
So....how did this start? Gotta blame it on the fat calipers...it's all their fault. And my Husband's computer. Seriously.
Now...don't get me wrong; I'm still strong and can work out hard til I'm crawling out of the gym (and those of you who know me...know I love that feeling!!) I'm just a bit 'softer' having thoroughly enjoyed relaxing with my family. Again.....don't get me wrong: I still worked out regularly since fitness should be a regular part of life (just had yo get that in lol!)...I think I may have just enjoyed my eating with Family, Friends - oh...and me a bit much this summer ;)
So....where do the calipers and computer come in? Funny story that. I decided I wanted to offer my Clients another option for measuring their progress so purchased a set. To practice using them I decided to try them out on myself. In order to get your measurements you must weigh yourself (this, I typically don't do...and after stepping on the scales I decided immediately we were not getting along that day. At least my fat percentage was okay still with relation to my weight, but still...the disagreement was there even if the scales weren't (they made it out to the garbage). So with the calipers done...I wanted to do some work on my fitness Website which meant going to my Hubby's computer for a picture he had taken of me in my Lulu Lemon at the beginning of summer (note the word 'beginning' it is relevant!). Scrolling down I found a picture he'd unknowingly taken of me in my bikini toward the END of the summer! That's where the shock really registered! I think it was a picture of someone else personally (which begs the questions who are they and what are they doing in my bikini?!
No. Sadly .....everything filling that bikini was aaaaall me!
There is a good part to this story of real, larger me! Sometimes a reality check is what you need! It has spurred me on to new challenges and bigger goals this Fall for which I'm quite excited! The other good news is ...I might not be scaring people in my bikini til next summer! I'm gung-ho to go and looking forward to challenging myself...and letting my Clients know I 'get it'....I suffer from the love of food like the next person. And boy do I suffer!! ;)
That won't stop me though...might sting for a while but with hard work and effort I might be able to love the calipers....and maybe don that bikini next summer with pride!!
So....how did this start? Gotta blame it on the fat calipers...it's all their fault. And my Husband's computer. Seriously.
Now...don't get me wrong; I'm still strong and can work out hard til I'm crawling out of the gym (and those of you who know me...know I love that feeling!!) I'm just a bit 'softer' having thoroughly enjoyed relaxing with my family. Again.....don't get me wrong: I still worked out regularly since fitness should be a regular part of life (just had yo get that in lol!)...I think I may have just enjoyed my eating with Family, Friends - oh...and me a bit much this summer ;)
So....where do the calipers and computer come in? Funny story that. I decided I wanted to offer my Clients another option for measuring their progress so purchased a set. To practice using them I decided to try them out on myself. In order to get your measurements you must weigh yourself (this, I typically don't do...and after stepping on the scales I decided immediately we were not getting along that day. At least my fat percentage was okay still with relation to my weight, but still...the disagreement was there even if the scales weren't (they made it out to the garbage). So with the calipers done...I wanted to do some work on my fitness Website which meant going to my Hubby's computer for a picture he had taken of me in my Lulu Lemon at the beginning of summer (note the word 'beginning' it is relevant!). Scrolling down I found a picture he'd unknowingly taken of me in my bikini toward the END of the summer! That's where the shock really registered! I think it was a picture of someone else personally (which begs the questions who are they and what are they doing in my bikini?!
No. Sadly .....everything filling that bikini was aaaaall me!
There is a good part to this story of real, larger me! Sometimes a reality check is what you need! It has spurred me on to new challenges and bigger goals this Fall for which I'm quite excited! The other good news is ...I might not be scaring people in my bikini til next summer! I'm gung-ho to go and looking forward to challenging myself...and letting my Clients know I 'get it'....I suffer from the love of food like the next person. And boy do I suffer!! ;)
That won't stop me though...might sting for a while but with hard work and effort I might be able to love the calipers....and maybe don that bikini next summer with pride!!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Doors open, things happen...keep going!
Hello All...hope you are looking forward to a glorious weekend here!
It's been a strange journey for me...these last 9 months....lots has occurred in the time I could've been pregnant and had a baby! Wow..when you look at it that way! I won't go into what the strange journey was - those who know me, know its been health-related - but...I do want to re-iterate how positive-thinking can certainly be a great benefit to each of us.
I'm a Personal Trainer...and I am so very proud to be one and feel honored to work with the Clients who place themselves in my capable hands! The feeling of confidence which results from feeling fit and strong (notice I said NOTHING about size!!!!) is something I've taken on as a Mssion. I believe all Women, children (that's who I'm beginning with!) should have the opportunity to wake up every day looking forward to a promising, exciting time ahead with nothing but happiness and confidence. This world would be a better place and I intend to help make it so, one person at a time.
During my 'time of strangeness' I'll call it! I was lucky enough to continue working with my Clients...but I cut out Networking and looking for new Business while I got better. And...eventually I did!
I've been lucky enough to have a few months of strange-free and in that time I got my face out there; met Friends/Colleagues for coffees, went to Luncheons, joined useful (for me) Networking Groups. I even finally got myself an official Logo which I love! So....with all my energy going in the right direction...I suddenly found more and more new Clients coming my way!!
To top it all off...talk about being in the right place at the right time...I attended a Luncheon recently and have teamed up if you will, with a fabulous and SO knowledgeable Registered Nutritionist. We attended the Luncheon...laughed our way through with the wonderful Women at our table and the end result? I have two new, thoroughly enjoyable Clients...and am to be speaking regularly for a large Corporation!
Talk about doors opening when you need/want them to!!
My Business, as so many others, is about selling myself more than what I offer. If you put yourself out there and people like you and feel you are trustworthy (granted ...they will ask you questions along the way to glean whether or not you know your 'trade'), you are on the right track!
Fitness is making and keeping your body healthy and strong....but it is also about keeping a positive mind. I bet most people you know who put their health and fitness as a priority...are pretty positive, confident and happy souls! There is a reason for this!
Lastly...to keep going. One of my health issues has returned; I'm hoping it won't visit for long...but one thing I know for sure...Now that I know the key lies within me and how I handle situations, as uncomfortable as I am - I WILL push through this and continue that networking and working hard for and with my Clients. It's good they see their Trainer is a normal person with challenges....and perhaps one Client will even take something from seeing me struggle, yet succeed still through the 'time of strange'!
Enjoy your weekend and keep smilin''!!!!
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Thought I'd take a different tact, today. Rather than giving typical nutrition (although I've added one at the end!!), exercise, etc tips....I thought I'd throw out some ideas on how to work out harder, in order to challenge yourself. See what you think!So....I think everyone knows what we SHOULD do to get fit, tone up and lose weight, depending upon the reasons for working out.
Remember! These are just tips - and only a few for now; if you need to see a Doctor first to get the okay to work out....or if there are only certain things you can do due to injuries past or present...make sure you do what you need to do :)
1. Use your arms!When doing exercises such as squats, lunges, side lunges, etc...keep your arms over your head - or at the least up in line with your shoulders. Grab a broom and hold it above your head....no weights needed here!! The higher your arms are, the harder the workout...and thus the more calories you burn!!!2. SWEAT!!!Do you work out for 30 minutes/ an hour and if you are honest....just 'go through the motions'? Do you end the Session, feeling the same as when you began? You aren't challenging yourself if so!To tone up, burn calories, etc...you need to finish each set with it being a challenge do do so! Then you are exhausting the muscles!!! Work harder, sweat more.....challenge! To get the results you want you have to be honest with Yourself: ARE YOU REALLY WORKING HARD ENOUGH????
4. Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!3. HOW TO MAKE THINGS TOUGHERIf a move is too easy (ie, after two sets of say, 8 reps you can whistle like a canary)...you need to make a move more challenging (if results are what you are looking for). There are SO many ways!!!* put your arms above your head* increase the weight (safely) which you are using* if doing abs, grab a medicine (weighted) ball* add an incline - do pushups with your feet upon a step/bench....etc* work multiple body parts at once!! ie...don't just do bicep curls...add a side lunge at the same time!
You don't need to spend hours (k...exaggeration!) on a treadmill, etc.....just get your heart pumping!!! How??? It's easy!!! Below are a few examples of moves you wouldn't think were cardio...but they work you! Try them for 20 seconds to a minute depending upon your fitness level. See if you like any of the following:
* "Walk-in, Walk-out" Stand tall; then bend your knees trying to touch the floor with your hands. Once there, walk yourself out to a plank position (add a push up if you are really eager!)...then walk your hands back, and stand up (add a jump again, if you like!).
* "Surrender" Put your arms directly above your head, straight. Begin with one leg to lead both going down and coming back up. Bend your left leg so it kneels on the floor, take the other to the floor, step back onto the floor with your left and then the other. Do this a few times leading with the left, then switch and start with the right. Keep those arms up and if you want it REALLY tough....hold LIGHT weights!
* "The Burpee" Not a favourite of my Clients' but oh-so-good!!! Stand tall.....take yourself to the floor to the plank position (jump into it if you like), do a push up (on your knees or toes)....Jump your feet back in so you are crouching and then jump up in the air. Repeat....! This is a tough one!
There are SO many more!!! See how these go! You can jog on the spot, lifting your knees, jump forward and back with both feet....LOTS to do get the heart working!!!
There are ALWAYS ways to make moves more challenging. It boils down to HOW much you want to challenge yourself. Don't be scared to work hard for that hour....just think how fabulous you will feel after!!!
NUTRITION: I forgot to mention.........looking to lose weight especially around your waist? Cut out (or down if you can't go the whole hog at first!) SUGAR!! Big culprit and it's in SO much.....keep this to a minimum and you'll be surprised at the positive changes which occur!!
SHINE on!!FINALLY......don't be scared to work hard, finish with a scrunched up face from the effort and crawl away from the gym due to hard work. You are there for an hour for YOU..do you know how empowering a great workout feels? It's awesome!!!ENJOY!!!!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Talk about working together!
K....so not really about fitness....but I just had to share this:
What a lovely sight to see today. Sunshine really does bring out the best in people!
What a lovely sight to see today. Sunshine really does bring out the best in people!
My Hubby and I were driving along a busy Street in our City heading toward downtown today and it has a River on one side and a park on the other. As we got closer.....I noticed all the cars had come to a stand-still. There were no police/ambulance lights and no by-standers which made us all the more curious. Then I saw the most lovely sight.
It was a Family of Geese crossing the street. Yes. A family. Mom and Dad - with what looked like 5 babes (or Goslings if I'm to be grammatically correct!). Everyone was watching this parade in awe....Mom at the Front and Dad at the back. Both sides of the street at a standstill (ie, 4 lanes!).
Next thing we notice is a woman on the other side of the street to us has got out of her vehicle....one of the Babes was being a bit slow - so at the risk of a telling-off from Mom or Dad (which she got!)...she walked behind them all to make sure they got to the median and further. With her job done, she was back in her car. Still no cars moved.
The Family made it to the other side and seemed quite happy - and yet a man in front of us was now out of his truck. With the majority of the Family on the safely on the sidewalk heading to the River, I noticed this man back in the middle of the street. Wasn't he helping yet another, 6th Gosling cross...who'd become split up from the pack! As soon as he went to help and walk behind the fluff-ball....one of the Parents came out and at first.....was going to tell the Man off....but I truly believe this Adult then realised the man was helping. It went back to the side of the road and awaited Baby # 6.
Man got back in truck....Flock got on their way to their day in the River and everyone else left with a smile on their face having seen this all occur.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who got a tickle out of this......and made me realise how fabulous it is when people work together. NO one was honking to rush on....everyone sat back and watched the show unfold.
If only people worked together like that more often. It certainly makes you feel great to see such sights. Also knowing a family of Geese were able to get safely across and that people weren't too busy to stop....money couldn't buy a cuter show today!
Stop. Smile at someone...and enjoy your Day!!!
CM :)
Friday, 27 April 2012
Don't TALK about being in Shape...DO it!
Are you still feeling like you want to be in better shape but don't know how? Are you truly giving this your all? Or...are you like I've been for a while now.....'think' I'm eating correctly and exercising...buuut...nothing's changing and I don't know why?
Summer's coming and now is the time to put ALL your effort in and make the changes you want!! Give it your all and you will feel better for it ...but don't go half-way...go all the way; re-vamp HOW you are eating, WHAT you are eating if need-be...and train like you've never trained before.....CHALLENGE yourself!! SWEAT!!! Make your muscles have to adapt to the new workout you are giving them. Don't just do the same-old same-old as you've always done!!
My next blog will cover my thoughts on how to re-vamp your workout, but here's my thought for today!! TRY IT!!
Use a food journal! I tell you...they SO help! I picked mine up from a large Bookstore in the Journals section and I'm all inspired to be in the best shape I've ever been in!
Why is a Journal so HELPFUL for weight loss?
* It keeps you within the daily limits you should be consuming. Stay within your daily limits and guess what? You don't nibble and you don't eat excess calories, fat, carbs...etc....
* It makes you accountable!! BIG reason to do it! You find you write down everything you ingest - and by doing so it actually becomes quite exciting (I'm warped, what can I say?!). Each day I can't wait to see how well I did by the end of the day!
* You aren't hungry!! You don't snack!! That's enough reason right there!!! Because you are now getting the right amounts of food in...as well as eating the RIGHT foods (fruits, veggies, etc)....you will find you are full. No more feeling hungry between meals. I am no longer snacking on a cracker/cheese here and there. They all add up and you may find by the end of a non-journal, picking day...that you consumed more calories and fat just by nibbling. Record your food and all of a sudden this doesn't occur anymore. I swear...NO urge to nibble here!!
* It helps you lose weight! What more reason do you need? By keeping your food limits in place, and working out...the pounds WILL drop off. I am speaking from experience here!
...This really doesn't take much effort. But if you are at a place where you find you are trying SO much and the results are SO little, don't you think it's time to try something different? The little book will fit into your purse and you can record at any time.
I DARE YOU to try it...you will be happy you did!
Don't get me wrong...JUST recording won't do the trick!! It's all about your lifestyle. Record what you eat and eat well, exercise each day (find something you ENJOY doing!!!) and you will find the pounds go.
3500 calories = 1 lb!! This sounds a lot but it isn't! I'm eating my limit of calories each day, working out (so burning calories) and by the end of each day my "Caloric Deficit" is 400+ calories! This week the difference between what I've eaten and what I've expended has been more than 3800 calories!! That's more than a pound!!
I'm having my glass of wine, my square of dark chocolate, my lovely regular meals. I am not missing anything...I'm just eating far better, staying fuller and eating the correct sizes!!
Really! This will help you if you give it and exercise a try. Put the effort in - you WILL get the results back!!
Don't be the one who doesn't try but doesn't know why nothing's changing...be the one to do it right...and have all your Girlfriends wondering how you look so GREAT!!! 2012 Rock on!!
SHINE on..
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Hellowwww Everyone!!!
I'm in Creative-mode today (I'll forewarn you now!) and have lots to say.
Firstly...my "SHINEtalk" as I like to call it.
I really don't wish to harp on the fact that I'm still on crutches...but I realised something extremely interesting - and important - the other day and just HAD to write about it.
I'm smiling more.
Yes. You read correctly...M-O-R-E.
This is so significant I had to share!
Why? Many reasons. I find people you don't know are so much kinder and helpful when you need help. Crossing the street cars will stop - at places where without crutches they typically keep driving. Doors are being opened non-stop for me (even though I'm quite happy doing this for myself!) and people are SMILING AT me more....talking to me more - it's mind-boggling!
So...in return...I'm smiling more at EVERYone! But feel so much better inside!! Yes, I'm typically a smiler....but people don't really smile back. Now I find they are smiling, I'm smiling...it's just a happy world I'm living in! Similar to how great people are at Disney World...the world of happiness....but you get back to real life and not everyone is like that anymore.
How has this affected me? What to think about it??....hmmm....at least it's great to know people are kind when you need something - but it also makes me wonder why people don't smile more, open doors more, stop for you more....regularly?
It's also made me feel so uplifted. No...I won't milk it and stay on my crutches all year!! I think I'm near the time where I won't have to use them. But I'm FAR happier! Truly! I believe this whole experience has made me a FAR better person (and I THOUGHT I was perfect!!!) :)
This experience for me has been eye-opening: from support from unexpected places...to no support from those I would have though would have offered something!. Don't get me wrong...I have not expected or wanted anything...but it does make you realize who truly cares!!
On top of this...since I'm smiling more...and feeling so much better for it...crutches or not....I'm staying this way!!
So...when faced with challenges of any kind, it's HOW you handle them that counts.
Shine on....!!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Enjoy the Small Stuff!
Enjoying the Small Stuff :)
So...it's coming up to my 3rd month on crutches and finally at the 'good' end of the 7 months of health 'challenges' - I wanted to share some things I have learnt along the way!
I've learnt an awful lot while on them. Some things I already knew but had them reinforced, some are brand new. Either way...thought I'd share them.
1. Everyone has their own problems; yours are no more; yours are no more than theirs.
Some of those I hoped for some form of help from, didn't. Or...like an air kiss, pretended to in a way that made them feel better but nothing substantial that made me feel they cared. But...I guess it made me realise that nowadays, everyone has stuff going on and it's not always about yourself. Taught me that even though I really want to help others, not everyone feels the same or has the opportunity...and I can't complain about it! Rather than focus on those who didn't meet 'hopes'....I'm grateful for those who did!
2. Kindness comes from unexpected places.
We've lived on our Street for 8 years or so now. One Neighbour who we wave to each other but have never spoken or introduced ourselves...turned up with home-made Banana Bread (yum!!!) the other day. She saw I was on crutches and decided to make some for me. To this day I am still touched by that beyond words.
3. It's not all about you.....be grateful for those who care!
They are precious. You know who you are :)
4. Yes ..... you CAN!
The first while I was not able to do much. Then I got sick of that. Rather than focussing on what I couldn't do....I decided to start with what I COULD do. I MUST work out or it's like I've had my right arm cut off. I decided to go to the gym and see what I could do. It was amazing! Not only did it help me physically (I believe this is why my leg is improving), but mentally also. I can't wait to get there and challenge myself more each time!!! I'm happier, stronger and willing to do more!!
5. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate!!!
Sitting in the hospital as I awaited tests, I would watch the goings-ons. I would be able to hobble out of there at the end of my tests and down the road get rid of my crutches and eventually be able to do all I could do before. Being there reinforced that some people won't have those luxuries. Man....do I appreciate so much more.
6. Love, Smile, ENJOY!!!
With all I have learnt I am smiling more, showing my happiness more, understanding more and not so fast to judge a bad driver for instance. If they are doing something stupid, perhaps they have a child in the backseat who needed them...perhaps they just got awful news and are heading somewhere frantically - unable to think straight. Or...perhaps they just had a moment of driving stupidly! I feel far more peaceful now that I try and understand more.
7. Half Full? Or...half Empty??
So many sweet people I bump into (I try to leave no bruising!!! :) state their sympathy and how awful it must be on crutches...with the pain. Nope! I look at this as a period where I had (am having) challenges with my health but you get stronger with it all. Definitely Half Full! Big believer in positive thinking and although perhaps I have had some days feeling a bit sorry for myself, it soon passes. Those days I tend to see someone blind trying to cross a street...or someone else in a wheelchair...for good. Can't help but realise crutches for a few months or so is no problem whatsoever!!!
My message? Half Full all the way!!!
My aim is to help Women and girls feel empowered and better about themselves through the whole gammut that is fitness; mind, body, soul........SHINE
Sunday, 4 March 2012
So I'm thoroughly enjoying writing up a storm..whether or not I have any readers, it is a wonderful avenue for getting your thoughts out there...cathartic actually!
It's Sunday. Love Sunday's ;) As I sit in my kitchen with the oven timer ringing, the drinking water tap running, oh..and my Husband tapping the bongo drums we have at the bottom of he basement stairs (gotta love 'em; everyone who comes over can't resist giving them a drum or two!), it can't get any better than this!
Had my rrrroll up the rim coffee...still yet to win MY car or bike...I think with all the effort I put into winning (ahem buying) I should either have won or have stakes in the Company!). Sorry..keep getting side-tracked (for which I'm often am found scolding our Son over!!). Oops..did it again! Anyway, just putting it out there how simple things can really make you feel so good (taps and timers? Really?!). Yes. Really.
It doesn't take much to make this gal happy (I think they call that a cheap date?!). So from there, it takes me to those we see on tv all too often heading into rehab from too much alcohol or drugs..or both. Or...the Whitney's and Amy Winehouse's of the World who are sadly gone too soon due to their addictions. Why is it with all their talent and money, so many Stars just can't keep it together. I love it when I see those in the world of Fame and Fortune, who seem to be enjoying a successful life with Family, Friends and so much success. They don't need all the junk of addictions and I wish more of those in the glitzy world of movies and music would take a leaf out of their novels and be the role models they should be. Why can't they handle their fame...and why can others? It's terribly sad - and I find frustrating - to see so many stars of late especially - falling to their problems.
I have no idea where my writing will take me when I sit down to blog! Couldn't have foreseen that by sitting in my noisy, happy Kitchen that it would spark my pity for those who don't know what plain old Happiness is - the free kind!
Well...taps and timers are off....time for me to grab my new crutches and hobble somewhere. There certainly IS an art to using them; I think I've taken down a person or two each day since being told to use 'em!! Hey..I cant do anything quietly...but...at least I'm graceful as I fall!
Enjoy your day...enjoy the small things.....Give someone you love a hug...
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Getting caught up on TV...
Here I am again! Most likely with more 'something about nothing!!). I've begun a blog at various intervals throughout the day whilst I lie in bed (bed ridden with an injury alas!), and each time had to stop for either a business call, eating (very important in my day!!),or Parent-Teacher night at School!
But...with each interruption has come a better topic for me to write about! Do you ever watch Ellen? I am getting in the loop with daytime tv (sigh...would really be out there doing useful things and not being forced to watch tv during the day..yes!! I mean that!). However..all my rambling is getting to the point I want to make - and that is: what a generous, giving Person she is! I have found myself smiling every time I watch her..from the dance at the beginning (NO ONE dances once they hit a certain age....I LOVE the fact that she brings the inner dancer out in people! More people should just have fun like that! But...it's the giving which really touches me.
Today it was a girl who loves Justin Bieber....long story very short: she surprised her at the Studio with the real Justin Bieber. From there she then surprised Justin with gifts since it was his 18th Birthday. Justin Bieber himself: did you even KNOW how much time he gives to young Fans - with Make a Wish etc??? This guy makes the day of so many ill children!
I have finished watching the shows each time with a renewed sense of knowing I need to do more for others in need. If I I weren't stuck in my room currently (don't get me wrong...love our bedroom but have had enough of it currently and am ready to run somewhere with my hair flying behind me in the wind...(well...that sorta sounds like my hair is a separate entity...but you get my drift, eh?!), I'd be out there doing something more.
More people should watch Ellen to become inspired (and totally entertained along the way also!) and this World would be on its way to being a better, happier, more giving place.
On a side note...I really do love blogs...my grammar doesn't have to be perfect!!!
Go out and do something for someone: as they say - when you give...you really do receive. (well...something like that.....)....
Stay well this next time!
Monday, 27 February 2012
Can't quite be sure why I've begun a Blog. All I know is I love to talk as those all around me know! And...love to write almost as much. So, this seemed the perfect podium to see what I could create. I guess I'll see where the typing takes me.
I thought perhaps my blogs would be funny (that'll come in time...just wait til I start writing about my conversations with my Dearest Friend. We can find the funny in ANEE thing!! And I mean anything; apparently there's something hysterically amusing about lipsticks when we talk ...and there is nothing rude about it. We just can't sit and have a serious conversation. But...I don't know what I'd do without her giggles and positive outlook...even if my head is so sore from laughing afterwards!
I'm a typical Mom; and thru my Business am all about helping others get healthy, feel better feel confident....and such. Was in a crazy business for about ten years; making a big success of it with my wonderful Hubby, yet it was stressful (on someone who comes out in hives when stress gets too much..SERIOUSLY!), and I cannot say there was one day where I woke up thinking 'Wow...LOVE my job!!' nope...nadda one.
Change was in the air...or was that my dog passing wind again?? Hmm..who'd have thunk such a small being can pass along such large doses?...blows my mind. Anyway....change did occur and now running a business for myself helping others feel healthy, strong and great about themselves is the best thing!
I'm in the health/wellness industry and it's where I should've been along. Actually...I SHOULD have been that Nurse I so wanted to be until I hit age 9 and had my tonsils out. It was SUCH pain I swore I'd never be a nurse...that was a sad day...really missed my calling there!! Although....perhaps it was a blessing...apparently I'm great cause of amusement to my Husband when I bang into the SAME door at night looking for the SAME bathroom that's been there since we moved in. I'm even great at these things during daylight hours also....really...I'm here to amuse. I don't even want to think about what I could have done tripping over my own two feet in a hospital holding a needle...so...perhaps it is all good. :)
I saw an article today that APRIL 6th, 2012 is WORLD PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DAY. Instead of chasing down the Easter Bunny (if you celebrate it)....why not arrange something active with a group of friends - or your family....and get everyone out there moving? Spread the word!!! More info at exercise-works.org or #getactive (Twitter).
Lots about nothing...that about sums me up!!. Hopefully this'll be fun journey though. Maybe I'll be the only person I crack up...but....wouldn't it be awful if even I didn't enjoy reading this???!!! :)
Enjoy your day; hug your Family and make someone smile who needs it.
Shine :)
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