Saturday 5 January 2013

2013....your New Year Revolution!

Happy New Year to you all!

Hoping Christmas was filled with fun and family and you are looking forward to a successful New Year.

What are you going to do now 2013 is here?  Everyone talks about New Year's about just making it your New Year Revolution!  Don't just start new things only to have them ebb away by next month.....make a plan for the year; make it simple...and stick to it!!

Try and perhaps make one change each week or even each month, to your workouts!  What would I do first?

Well...they say resistance creates my plan to start would be to make your weights heavier than you have been using. YES!! HEAVIER!!  No!! women we won't bulk up to look like the Terminator's wife (did he even have one?!); we just don't have enough testosterone.  Couple your workouts with good cardio that has you sweating buckets and you'll trim down/get lean in no time!!

Why not start today....this week?  Remember...start now.....and in a month I know you will feel changes and be glad you didn't keep putting it off!!

They say when working out that if you add 5 pounds (everyone is different...BOTTOM LINE: go with what you feel comfortable with and what is NOT going to injure you!!) to what you THINK you are capable of using for an exercise...and you should be on the right track.

So...what do I mean?

* Use heavy weights that will challenge you.  Try one set....on the second set you should be REALLY struggling by the last few reps

* You are trying to work your muscles to failure! This is where you will be seeing/feeling results down the road!! Of MUST be able to do the moves with correct form...if you absolutely cannot; that's your body telling you to go a bit lighter.  But...don't be AFRAID!!! Work hard; work heavy!!

* You will also feel your abs working hard and you will be breathing VERY heavily after each exercise (cardio's working too!)...give yourself 60-90 seconds between your moves/circuits so you can do the next move.

NEVER be worried about working to failure! I must admit...I love the feeling of really having to work hard to be able to finish what I'm doing.  If my form is still correct, there's nothing like that challenge as you grimace and just KNOW you are burning up calories and toning down.

I challenge you; next week at the gym perhaps try just one exercise - say something lower body - and increase those weights.

You WILL lose inches and see toning - you'll be stronger, sleek and so sexy!!!  That's my tip for this week......go for it....make this your change in your workout and make this the start of your

New Year, New You Revolution!!!

Shine on!!
C :)

NB: If you are starting exercising after a long break, or if you have had injuries, or have health issues, etc.....make sure you see a Doctor before doing anything drastic.  If you need tips....make sure you ask a Trainer for some help to ensure you are working safely!!!

Good WILL be leaner come February!!! :)

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