Tuesday 11 December 2012

Your Journey to YOU!

Almost Christmas!  How time flies!  As this year draws to a close, have you thought about what you are going to do - to make next year your best yet?

I had the most delightful email from a Friend this morning who is also a Client of mine.  It was to a few of us helping her on her Journey for better health...and it outlined in detail how she has fared....what improvements have occurred (and there were a LOT!) and how she feels as a result.  I tell you...it was the kind of email that would make anyone's day when it's from a Client on how well they are progressing.  Especially knowing you are honoured enough to be a part of that journey.

It inspired and got me thinking (yes...it hurts, but I do it!).

* What can I say about myself when looking back over this year?
* What has improved?  Perhaps...what hasn't?

From this...I want to look at a New Year. It's so exciting and it brings so much promise! My goals are numerous and there is SO much I want to improve upon - in a positive way...not in a way that I'm stressing myself out!

Have you thought about 2013 yet?  Was this the year you were going to start on  your Journey to YOU?  That year where you have finally decided - ENOUGH!  I want to feel the best I've ever felt! I want people to look at me and know that in my 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and more....that I'm in the best shape I have been in. And I ROCK!!!

It truly is easy when you put your mind to it.

* Grab a cup of tea this evening (dare I say a glass of wine?);
* Sit by your fire (okay...if no fire.....sit cozily on your couch looking at the sparkling Christmas Tree if you have one!;
* Grab a journal or pad and write down how you want to feel next year.  Yes..write down your goals,  but truly..how do you want to FEEL?
* Lastly....what do you need to do to get to that feeling? Who do you need to help you on your Journey  to YOU??

It really can be done.  You really can "Shine" from the inside out with energy galore and have people wonder what's happened since you exude so much positive energy!  You honestly need to work out your plan.....and put that plan in place.

Need help making up your plan?  Ask me for help!!! I can help you...from a Fitness Perspective (I offer  hour Consultations and we can get SO much covered!! Not only that...I'll make sure I send you on your way KNOWING you can do this!!!)....I can put you in touch with others who you feel you need to talk to to help also.

So...who's on your Team... and what's your Journey to be??

I'm excited for you!!! You should be too!  Why not look back at Christmas next year...and perhaps you will be sending me the same email as my Client/Friend above reporting all the positive changes that have occurred to make you feel absolutely wonderful!!

As they say...

Just do it.

Shine On!!

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