Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How do you get through Christmas?

It's easy...if you stick to it. It is even doable. No dieting for the "season"...to fit into that little black dress. Stay on track, eat well, exercise and even...ENJOY!!!


I've said this before and I know....you may not agree with me here. But....humour me for a season such as Christmas where it's a lot of socializing - desserts, appies, drinks. Why not do it now to keep you on track? Know that when you have that glass of wine that it's within your goals and you won't feel guilty! Know HOW MANY little appies you can have guilt-free - and you will find you enjoy your evening knowing you didn't go overboard!! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE??!!

Go ahead....whether it's on-line, or in a book (my personal fave is the old-fashioned book - where I have to take the time to sit and write it down. I find by doing so it is therapeutic (really) and by looking at what I've done for the day...makes me inspired to keep it going the following day). The "Diet and fitness Journal - your personal guide to optimum health" published by Peter Pauper Press, Inc...is my favourite. I love the lay-out - and how there is so much information in the beginning. By the time you get to the part where you record what you've done...you are raring to go!!

If you track what you eat each day over Christmas...you can then "tweak" it to allow yourself a goodie here and there. I know if I'm socializing in an evening...I make sure I eat less throughout the day (but still in such a way that I'm being healthy), to allow for some pastries and cheese in the evening.

Watch your wine, pop...anything you are drinking at those parties!! It's oodles of calories you are "drinking" here - so don't just watch what you eat...you MUST include everything you drink also.

How empowered you will feel if you go through the Christmas season in a wise fashion...no depriving yourself...just moderating. No over-eating - just enjoying! It's a wonderful feeling and SO worth the effort!


Tis the season to be jolly...but don't be so jolly that you turn to jelly! Make sure of all seasons, that you stick to your workouts. It is SO easy to bypass your fitness regimen during this time of year. This is when you REALLY need to kick up the effort a notch and stick with it. Perhaps you don't want to go to the gym so often...so mix it up and perhaps go for a long, brisk, snowy walk one day instead. Get out the snow shoes (they are GREAT!!)...go tobogganing!! Just keep moving.

Grab a friend: do something with them rather than exercising alone. It's always more fun with someone to talk to and support you....so rather than walk alone, ask someone to go with you! Have a lovely coffee or tea booked for after - something to look forward to that will make it far more enjoyable!

Have a plan: Perhaps promise yourself that for every evening you go out and eat some "goodies" you normally don't have...you will make sure the following day you will do something active. Or for every pastry (over what you are allowed to have that evening) you put in your mouth...you will add "x" amount to your workout the following day to make up for it. Having a plan makes you stick to the regimen more...makes you feel like you are accomplishing something and keeps you in the mode where you don't want to ruin what you are doing.

Don't give up! Don't have an hour? Then do 15 minutes!! Go to the gym even for this small amount of time (I've done it!!). You will find one of two things. Either you end up stretching out the time once you are there into a longer workout. Or...you will make it a VERY productive one. 15 minutes?? NO PROBLEM!! Have 5 or ten moves that include strength and power....do each move for a minute and do this cycle a few times through...you will find you are sweating just as much as if you'd gone for your hour. Don't give up just because time is slight. Make the effort and you'll reap the rewards afterwards.

It really is doable to stay on track over Christmas. What the obstacle really is? People lose the desire to stick to their plan since it's such an enjoyable, social time of year. The effort is lacking (or the will?) and most feel they will "start again in the New Year".

Make this the year where you don't want to "start over" in the New Year. Keep things on track so much that Resolutions are a thing of the past.

It all boils down to what you want more: lots of food, fun and relaxation - paired with weight gain, a big more jiggle and the effort in the New Year.......or a bit more restraint....effort of 15-30 minutes each day (remember..there are 86,400 minutes to choose from!!!!) and ultimately NO weight gain, NO more jiggle - and TONS of pride knowing you did it!!

Friday, 6 September 2013

All Fired Up...about what though?

I have no idea what I'm writing about today - so am letting my fingers just go at it and we shall see what transpires! I am however, feeling rather fired-up - about so much. I have so many ideas, goals, wishes, thoughts filling my head, and so much I want to do to help others feel inspired, empowered and just great about themselves. I find I'm surrounded by such positive, fabulous and enjoyable people. I'm so lucky in that regard. (Still don't really know where this is going...bear with me lol)....I find I listen to speakers and presenters and I want to jump up on stage and be the one voicing my message! But...what IS my message? Hmmm...maybe we are getting somewhere now. I've been a girl with weight issues, image issues and health issues. I've been a Wife (before you get worried, I still am!!)...a Daughter, a Mother, a successful Salesperson, and what I like to call myself a Fitness Coach....I train others but at the same time it ends up not being just about the fitness; I end up giving advice in so many areas in order to help others feel great about themselves. I've been so many things and have experienced so much. I may not have a University degree but man...I have what I believe to be just as important: a Ph.D. in M.T. (many things). Girls need to be taught confidence, self-love, empowerment so young!! Obviously...boys need to also...but I don't think they put themselves down as much as young girls. If I could put my current head on my 12 year old shoulders I'd have enjoyed being a pre-teen and teen so much more. Don't get me wrong; had a wonderful childhood...but there was always that cloud above carrying self-consciousness and more in it. Ready to pour at any time. Children in general need to be lifted up at school and any programs they do. I've seen too many children yelled at for doing a sport incorrectly etc .... yet...the adult doesn't realize to get better results you need to give the child kind advice...guide them...be positive...it gets such wonderful results!!! Women (I train mainly women so I'm going to concentrate on our sex in this discussion...)....are reflections so often of their younger selves. I myself am extremely guilty of this....it took me until my 40's (I know...you thought I was 24, eh??!! :) to finally find my "voice", confidence, self-confidence and so much more. Why til now?? Why can't young girls learn this sooner? I meet so many women through my work and the sad, continuous thread out there is they are always finding something about them to put down. As an example...I went to a party for some girlfriends a few months back. Everyone was laughing, giggling and very welcoming. As soon as I was introduced as a Personal Trainer all conversation stopped - it was almost as if everyone was choking. Sweaters were self-consciously pulled over tummies and the comments that came out about how they need to get fit....they've been busy.....and how they are heavier than they should be. I hadn't made anyone feel this way - in fact due to my self-image and weight issues over the years, I am so empathetic to others...so it almost hurt that they feel they need to talk like that to me now they know my Profession! Gosh...I'm really on a roll now; my fingers can't type fast enough!! It became an experiment of mine that night (as I was telling my Hubby later) to get them to all feel comfortable with me and put them all at ease. And it worked!! We really need to do something; we really need to stop talking about what is wrong about ourselves and talk about what's right. Toot our own horn!! Don't look down on someone who has the confidence to do so! As women we need to be less judgemental and embrace each other and ourselves more. We need to get out there and talk to the younger generations from tots to twenties about helping themselves...helping each other....forget about size, weight, expensive clothing...forget about the actresses always telling us how they stay size minus 10...and begin. Begin laughing...becoming stronger, focus on good health, nutrition, communication, laughter, friendship, interests and so much more. I dunno. I don't know if my fingers wrote anything worthwhile. (if not...we will blame it on them and not on my thought process lol). All I know is I don't know where to begin. I know have SO much to offer with empowering others. I do what I can thru my fitness, coaching and talks...I have the ear to listen, shoulder to lean on for so many. I am here to make a change. It's all "in here" somewhere just itching to be said and now it's time to put it to work.....The change I want to make. The change I want to be....I need to find that stage and tell all those gals how the world is at their feet and they need to look at the good in themselves and each other. How I go about this, I don't know.... But I think the time has come. I'm all fired up.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

A Blog by Cheryl Campbell!!

Hello! Today I thought I'd try something different!! For your sake (lol) I won't be writing a mammoth Blog myself but instead thought I would include a Blog from a Friend of mine. I really like to support Friends and Colleagues in business....so for this Blog wanted to include a Blog from Cheryl Campbell. Not only can she coach you about your financial/life situation...but she - like me - is ALL ABOUT empowerment, inspiration, strength, health, happiness etc, etc...not only in us but in our children. As such, she is holding the "RealU" summer camp for teen girls from July 8th - 11th. If you have a teen daughter, Neice or know of one who would benefit from a few days of positivity from other girls and Presenters (I'll be there!!) ... then let me know and I will happily get the information to you!!! I think it's wonderful she's taken it upon herself to do. So!! Please check out her Site from the link below....but also..here's her Blog to read. http://www.cherylcampbell.ca/read-important-lesson/ *** I had a very important lesson this week. My sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. This past Monday she had a mastectomy. Her journey has just begun as she will now have to go through rounds of chemo which will not be fun and she has a little 2 year old girl at home. The positive side of this is I am able to see such an amazing strength within her and I can use her experience to encourage and support others going through a similar situation. The toughest part of this for me is that my dear sister-in-law is sick and I had not been able to sell her Critical Illness Protection. For any advisors reading this you may know how I am feeling and it is not the greatest feeling at all. I am not saying that critical illness insurance is a cure, but what I have seen in my line of work is that stress and money can just make matters worse. This message is for everyone. It is for advisors and those people that your advisors have talked to about this coverage and for those who have never heard of it. Please hear me out. Advisors – I encourage you to talk to everyone about this coverage. Do not be shy because I will tell you one thing that I know for sure, if you at least tell them about it, you can ease your own mind if something happens. Clients, friends and anyone who has heard about this coverage, Critical Illness Insurance, listen when you are told about it. Research it, pay attention. This coverage is for you! You personally. If you are diagnosed with a critical illness and survive it after 30 days, it is YOU that will receive the money. We cover our houses our cars our IPods, what about our finances? This insurance protects you and the financial stress that can be caused if you are sick. A critical illness affects everyone around you! It is not just about you. The situation that my brother has gone through with his wife’s illness is he just took his First 2 week, leave of absence. NO PAY. Yes that is correct. His year runs July to July, he did not have any vacation left or any sick time. His boss said, “Don’t worry, take as much time as you need to be with your wife,” yes but NO PAY. So if you think about this situation. My sister in law is off on disability, and now my brother has taken a leave of absence. RRSP’s were not made to cover you off if you get sick. This is what I have seen. Critical Illnesses are abundant. They happen every day. What is now true that wasn’t 50 years ago is that people survive the critical illness. We are beating the diseases the problem is that most people are not prepared for the financial impact of a critical illness. What we see is withdrawals from savings accounts and RRSP”s remortgaging, increased lines of credit. The financial impact is not pretty. We need to take precautions now. My last thought for everyone is to protect your health; take care of you. Exercise, eat properly, rest. Protect your finances, insure your most valuable asset, YOU. Enjoy your life while you are physically able. We never know what our life has in store and we constantly put things off that we shouldn’t. Be financial responsible, prepare for the unexpected. And the last thing I need to mention is Listen to your Advisors, get an advisor to help you and for the Advisors reading this, TALK TO YOR CLIENTS! Remember it is not about YOU, we are all affected when it comes to a critical illness. Blessings.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Getting ready for Summer?

It's "that" time of year again; when everyone works a little bit harder at exercise to feel good in the summer! It seems there are seasons where people step up their programs: Spring......Pre-Summer.....Late Fall when it's the build-up-to "LBD" Season! Well...hint number one from me: make fitness and eating well a year-round priority and you will no longer have these periods where you need to step things up. You will always feel (and let's be honest..we want to look good too) good, no matter "when"! So....I thought I'd give a few tips for shaping up for now. Everyone has their opinions on what works....but I like to go by what I know. What results I've seen both with myself and with my Clients. Follow some or all of these tips and you'll be well on the road to your bikini!! Shine Fit-tip 1: Hang up what it is you are REALLY hoping to fit into by let's say, end June. Put it on your dresser, closet doors....anywhere you will see it when you first wake up in the morning!! This will drive you to start the day correctly knowing what your goals are!! Shine Fit-tip 2: EAT BREAKFAST!! I know SO many people who skip this meal!! Seriously...it's madness to do so!! Your body has been starving all night...only to wake up in the morning and be deprived.....and THEN: made to go to the office, gym, drop kids off and run errands...on NOTHING? C'mon...you wouldn't do this to your car!! Eat something; even just a banana...but get something in you. Know what? The more (healthier foods obviously lol!) you start the day with....the fuller you stay! It's been proven that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than those who skip it. So eat!! Shine Fit-tip 3: EXERCISE!! Not one to like this? Find something you like and DO it. You'll feel better, fit into those lovely clothes easily, improve your general health, strength, mobility, agility, endurance and more. We all know that though, don't we? It's a matter of TIME. Well...here are a few more thoughts if time is tight for you: --- Quality over Quantity: don't try and find an hour in the day if you can't. Do 15 mins, 30 mins. But train HARD! It's WHAT you do...now how MUCH you do when it comes to time constraints! Instead of thinking you don't have any time, therefore you won't....take those 30 minutes of couch time and do a small workout...but powerful! --- Power power power!!! Incorporate POWER into ANY workout you do!! What are power moves? Well...rather than doing jumping jacks on the spot, go much slower....or grab a medicine ball, stand with your feet hip-width, lower your butt looooooow and step or jump your feet in and out...slowly. Get on your hands and feet in plank position and do the "mountain climber" - ie, running your feet in whilst keeping your bum low. One move I've found lately I LOVE is doing what's known as the inchworm (start standing, bend your knees so your hands are on the floor; walk your hands out til you are in the plank position. Once there, jump both feet in and then jump them out - back to plank - and walk your hands back to your feet, finishing with standing up and jumping. Then start again. Sound easy??? Try this for 30 seconds..it's brilliant and gets you working!!!). There are many POWER moves - you can ask me or you can look on line. You want to lose inches? Use POWER!!! --- STRENGTH TRAIN!!! Want to change the way you look??? Want to become leaner in places you've been wishing would decrease in size for a while?? It's time to strength train. And I don't mean with 2 pound weights. You've gotta go HEAVY!! You have to feel your heart pumping, breath getting harder and sweat-galore!! Of course..it goes without saying you MUST know what you are doing, be able to do this....have the correct form, etc, etc. So ask for help. You want to do a move where it's what I say: "challenging but doable". But DO IT!! Shine Fit-tip 4: Check your daily protein intake. Are you getting enough? Your body needs this to be able to work hard! Too many of us are trying to "be good" and eat salads, etc, etc....and the protein goes out the window. You will lose more if you eat right...and you need protein!! It will NOT make you gain weight....figure out your daily requirement (again...the internet is great for finding things like this out if you go to respected sites). I personally was not eating enough. Now I make sure I get it with every meal and along with my workout routines, I've reached goals I haven't reached in years. As always though; speak to someone who can help you with this if you need it! Shine Fit-tip 5: Two things here: BE PATIENT and DON'T GIVE UP!! Too many people want results "tomorrow" and when they don't see them, give up. Why??!! If you are working out harder and eating correctly.....but haven't seen the results yet....surely you are in a better place physically, mentally than you were when you weren't working out? Surely you are one step closer to those ever-elusive results SHOWING UP!! So...why stop?? You have to keep going...it's an absolute must. You will wake up one day and find your clothes looser, your body measurements smaller, your body fat percentage decreased!! You will!! So you can't give up. If you reach that time...push through and don't stop....the results are right around the corner!! Shine Fit-tip 6: GET AN ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY!!!!! What's this??? Especially if you feel you will topple off the "fitness wagon" make sure you enlist a family member, friend, co-worker...heck...even someone at the gym to help you!! Tell them what you are doing each day. Ask them if they will help you...and perhaps you will arrange to email them at the beginning of each day or week as to what your fitness plans are and nutrition plans. Or perhaps you'll email them what you've done at the end of the day. BUT!!! If you don't do what you set out to do....they have to follow up and between the two of you workout how they will get you to do it. Just that little push will be what you need...and so worth it!! I have a wonderful Client who gets an accountability buddy every time either she is going somewhere or if she can't train with me one week. You can't put your head on your pillow until you've done SOMETHING in a day!! It's also sort of like having a workout buddy....get someone to train with you and you won't want to let them down! Shine Fit-tip 7: Be a LIONESS!!! What do I mean for this final point??????? Go to that gym and be fierce with your workout!!! Don't use light weights....or workout in such a way that you leave as gorgeous as you went in!! You want to leave on your hands and knees.....sweaty like no get-go and feeling ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! Can't say enough about those endorphins!!! So....don't go and do a light'n'fluffy workout....you want results???? Go and attack that GYM!!! So!! Here's a start for your Summer body!! Need any more help...I'm here to help...just ask!!! Shine On...!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Motivation is key!

My message for today? MOTIVATION! I'm so lucky to do something I'm beyond-passionate about and truly get my thrills from helping others get their results! (First they must 'fail'...ie...work themselves to failure!). I've had three instances lately where 'something' triggered with Clients to make them kick it up a notch and SERIOUSLY get healthier (ie...work harder and eat right!! One was a person who went for a jog for the first time - evurrrrrr on pavement (as opposed to a cardio machine). This person was absolutely shocked at their results and realized how unfit they are. It shook them up...and they so understood the importance of being healthy and strong that they have switched to serious exercise and nutrition. Second person is a Client who wanted herself and her Child to be fitter - and slimmer: both were drastically overweight. As much as I tried to give them hard work and tips......they weren't willing to get serious about their food. I took her aside one day and said I felt uncomfortable taking their money when they weren't working properly towards their goals. I also mentioned the reason (her child) they had begun. That was the pivotal moment for her - and them. I'm so proud: they work like dogs and are eating SO well...making all the RIGHT decisions. So happy! They are losing weight by the week! She (for the first time ever!!!) has a waistline and her child's clothes from last summer are now waaaaay too BIG!! Yayyyy! Lastly - a Client again has been working SO hard with me...but wasn't serious about the food. Peeps!!! NOOOOO point in working like a dog if you aren't going to eat right!! Well..there is ALWAYS point to workout...but results won't follow! This Client had her measurements taken....wasn't happy with the small results. Well...we had a talk: me saying I can work you hard every time but if your eating out a ton and making pies at home...no results will happen. Again: this was her moment and she as of this week is eating right! Next time we measure I'm excited, since she WILL get her results! So...do you need to become healthier? Fitter? Smaller? If so....are you truly giving it your all? If you are honest and are not, answer me this: What's your motivation going to be? Hopefully...this post is it! Shine On...

Monday, 15 April 2013

How healthy are YOUR Abs?

Happy April!

Finally some Spring-like weather that's not wet!

Are you thinking ahead to perhaps summer (dare I say?!) - hot days, blue skies and (gulp) BIKINIS?!

Why not make this the year you'll strut your stuff out there - and it CAN be done!

However....you don't want to whittle that waist for just that bikini! Look at some of bees statistics and find out why lean abs are so good for you!

57% of women with lean bellies are less likely to die of heart disease (according to Women's Health, from which all bees stats are from);

12%  percentage by which women are less likely to have a stroke if they LOWER their body fat;

40% by which women are less likely to develop arthritis of the hips or knees - when their abs are leaner!!!

69% - percentage of decrease in development of TYPE 2 diabetes when your body fat is less!

SO! NOT being a downer...there are many more stats I could go into to show how important a tighter ab region benefits us, but this is a good start. I think these points prove the point.

WELL? What to do?

1. LIFT WEIGHTS! I don't mean 2lb weights which we tend to start with (of course, start small o get the form...but once it's easy.....GO FOR IT!!!  I tell you! I've transformed my mid-section by upping my weights!

2. TAKE CHARGE of what you are eating! Record everything you ingest for three days and take an inventory of your cupboards. Sugar? Gone! Most juices, iced teas, pops, GONE!! If you are drinking multiples of these in a day - it's like eating dessert!

3. Use a smaller plate/dish at mealtimes!

4.PRRRRRROTEIN! Do you get enough?  Keeps you fuller, controls your blood sugar levels (aka...hunger spikes no more!!), burns more calories during your day!  Either snacking or eating a meal...make sure you include (healthy) protein...less bad carbs...your dress size will melt away!

5. DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY! Remember that song?  Well...he was certainly on to something! Stress activates a hormone which makes you hungry. This kind of eating can actually increase your waist-size as a result of hormone levels ... NOT the kind or place to gain weight!

What exercises should You do then?

1. WEIGHT TRAINING! Can't say it enough. Resistance creates change: if you really want it you'll do it! You won't a a female bulk up....try it and see the changes!

2. CARDIO: you will find if you are using significant weights..l.that at the end of each set, it'll feel like you've been for a run! However, I always think adding a cardio component in (but change it up REGULARLY! Keep your body 'guessing'!) is worthwhile if you can.

3. ABS ABS ABS! Planks (front and side), push ups, crunches, use weights and medicine balls, Swiss balls..move arms, lift legs.....so many options!!!! . But work em til they can work no more!

As always: ask a Trainer for help....make sure your form is ideal and that you are doing it all correctly.

Seriously...if you want this badly enough it takes four things: motivation, determination, DESIRE and patience! It's a daily appointment for you...one which WILL pay off!!!!


Monday, 18 March 2013

Time to get honest: are you doing enough?

There are lots of us out there who always are trying to reach that goal if feeling right in our own skin, no?  I know a lot who want to look better, feel better...whatever it may be. But I actually have a couple of questions:

Are you really - if you were totally honest with yourself - working yourself hard enough, and;
Do you want it badly enough?

Most people feel they are a 'yes' to number two...but I wonder if everyone is really working themselves as hard as they could?

Don't get me wrong...I'm not putting down anyone who gets out there and exercises regularly in some form. However...in order to get the results of becoming leaner, stronger, faster, more flexible...are you really doing what is needed?

Having said this: I'm not sure everyone KNOWS exactly what is needed for these desired results! The more women I speak with, the more I realize...not everyone knows what to do! Now...I'm not going to go into what each person should do for each wish list....that I will happily answer in person if needed. I will however state some points I've come to realize help me - so if they help me...hopefully they will help others!

1. WORK WITH WEIGHTS! I don't mean little toddlers like 3lbs! I mean...pick up heavy weights! Obviously...you want to make sure what you are using is doable and that your form can be perfect whilst working,,,,but you want to make sure you are being challenged! I can't say it enough: if Yu are not breathing heavy by the end - or finding it challenging - your weights are not heavy enough! You will NOT create CHANGE without challenging yourself....so be brave and try working with something heavier! If you aren't sure...ask a trainer for tips, advice, help..

2.  WORK THE CARDIO!! Know what I do? Forget doing eight jumping jacks or runs on the spot! I put my clock on 30 seconds or a minute and I GO! Why do I do this? Here's my way of thinking: if you say you are going to do eight or ten of something. You do eight or ten. You may not be challenged by the last one! If you put your timer on...and make yourself go until either you max out or the clock stops....maaaaaan do you feel it! You are out of breath, sweaty...but boy do you feel good (I know...I'm weird!).  Like anything: don't take the easy way out.  Work HARD!

3. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! This is fatal! So many women do this at the gym; they see the gal doing tons of push ups next to them, feel intimidated and thus don't try a push up for fear of looking bad! What thy don't perhaps realize is Miss 100 push ups - BEGAN SOMEWHERE too! Perhaps she was obese, worked so hard she is in great shape, and would be happy to help! Or, perhaps she wasn't able to do any push ups a year ago but persevered! There could be so many 'maybe's' and yet you end up not trying. Never worry about the gal next to you! You are at the gym for YOU! To heck with anyone else. You can only do one push up? That's more than the person not trying them! And one turns into more fast! The other point I should make is this: most people are so engrossed in their workouts...thy don't even look at who is around them! I know I don't!  So: next time Yu are at the gym (you said tomorrow, no?!?), take the bull by the horns and do those push-ups! One of be best moves out there!

4. GET THE FORM RIGHT! If your form is correct, there's no knowing where you can go! You can build on each move and make them harder every time your body gets used to one! You must challenge those muscles; make them have to adapt to what you are doing...that adapting is making them go ' wow..WHAT is she doing?' And they must figure it out...THAT is working them hard and keeping them guessing!

5. EXERCISE NO MATTER WHAT.  My biggest issue is most people in this day and age of busy-ness...just don't ave time to exercise. I think a lot of peeps don't think deeply about the ramifications of this. I call it the RRSP of fitness. You aren't necessarily working out just for today - you are working out for the day your body finds itself in a hind; perhaps thru illness or n injury, and it NEEDS you to be strong to pull thru! Do you know how many operations my Parents have been thru over these last few years...and at 73 and 78 thy have come thru laughing...and the Doctors are blown away by their recovery? Wasn't great genes, I tell you: it was the decades of fitness they've found the time to do (and still do!).  Don't tell me it's not important to find time for..live seen the proof time and time again!


What's that?

How many minutes in a day.

If you value your health both today and tomorrow....and you REALLY do want results...Lyon WILL find 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes to do what is right for you!

I'm happy to help......just ask! You can see I'm passionate about this: my goal is to make others passionate too!

Shine On...

Monday, 11 February 2013

Don't worry, be happy!!!


How's 2013 going so far?  Have you hit February like MANY people out there......with those good intentions you had at New Years a distant dream?  Are you concerned, challenged...or even frustrated with the fact they've slowed down or come to a halt??

My advice??


Need some help?  I can offer you some tips to get back on track!!  If it's important to you (which your fitness health should be...) try a little bit at a time.

What you WANT is to make health and fitness a consistent, daily, regular, ENJOYable thing....NOT a once-a-year item at New Year's!!  So....what are some ways to get back on track?

Firstly...."get back on track"!  Some people find that come February their energy for getting in shape or to the next level of their fitness, plummets.  What do the majority do then?  Come to a screetching halt!!  Just like when people are trying to make their way of eating healthier (I don't like the word "diet"!!!)...they have one cookie and believe they have screwed it all up so they stop and just keep eating cookies!! Noooooo!!! Have a bad day; eat a goodie? No worries!! Just keep going with your goals...don't give up!!!

Secondly..."rethink".  Huh?? I hear you say?  What do you enjoy....what can you put in to your lifestyle that will keep you fit......and keep your fitness routine so, well..."routine"...that it becomes an everyday thing to do?  Personally, I don't make New Year's Resolutions.  My Fitness is a daily thing for me.  I fit something in whenever I can (leading me to my next point!!!) to ensure it's there and stays there.  So...come January First of every year...I'm good.

Thirdly...."just do it"!! Yes....the Nike saying is perfect.  Don't think...just do.  Morning person??  Put your alarm on for 15 (yes..JUST 15!!) mins earlier and get up, do some power moves, pushups, etc and boom!  You've begun the day the right way!!! You WILL find you have more energy...may even push you to walk at lunch!  Can't work out at all in the morning?  Get home from work...plonk down your purse and head back out the door for a walk...Don't even think about it!!!  Just go!!! Put on the tunes, head out the door.  My thought is when I don't feel like working out (due to laziness...not sickness!) is I'm going to put my workout gear on and get in the car...see where I go and that's all I need..I'm at the gym!!  Or.....head to your basement for 20-30 mins; put on REALLY LOUD music and move!!! Seriously...if you do it without putting all those barriers up such as having to cook dinner, do laundry.....you will find you get it done and feel all the better for it!!  Don't let your "Mom" brain take over about what you should be doing...dinner will get fed, laundry will be there, etc, etc...just do something that is IMPORTANT for YOU!

So...if you find you are back in the same old rut as each year and want inspiration....put that bikini (yes you CAN wear a bikini!!!) on your dresser as a reminder and think how WONDERFUL you will feel wearing it this summer.  Put the effort in now...as much as you may not want to.....and you'll be so happy you did.

Remember...those of us nuts out there who work out regularly and seem very fit...we still have our days we would rather not....we just choose to do it regardless.

If I didn't feel like brushing my teeth...I would still do it, since it's needed for my dental health.  Don't you think we should see our Fitness health the same way??

Let me know if you have any questions!! Otherwise...get back on track......feel GRRREAT and ....

Shine on!

Monday, 21 January 2013

The power of plyo....

Morning! And welcome to another week!

Firstly...please come on out for a 6-week "Strong, Sexy Woman" Fitness Session.  I would have loved to call it "Bootcamp" but this name tends to scare a lot away..so instead...let me explain the format: it will be a combination of Strength, power, cardio (no...not running for 30 minutes on the spot as you drift off in your mind and figure out your "to do" list for the day!!!)..."Creative Cardio" is how I like to name it!!  They are moves you can enjoy (or at least learn to!), they will surprise you as to how they work your cardio system when on paper you wouldn't think so.....and sooo productive.  I will finish with a lovely Yoga/Flexibility section all played out to dreamy music - so you really can "drift" away for a while!

I'm holding it at a Church Hall in South/West London.  It's a huge room so can fit many! If you think you would be interested in this (heck...it's ONLY $55 for 6 sessions!!!) let me know at: shinefitness@primus.ca and I'll be sure to give you all the details and directions!!

Come on.....what are you waiting for?  And what's not to love about getting fit with a group of Women all with the same goals; most just beginning to get back in shape and a thoroughly enjoyable, NON-INTIMIDATING atmosphere.

I'm all about OPTIONS and you getting out of your hour what is best for you...so take my modifications, enjoy, and get fit!! Oh...and I forgot to say...most likely we will giggle a lot too!!

Grab a Friend if you like...and come on out.  Just think!  By 10:30 on a Saturday you will have your weekend workout DONE!!!


Have you ever tried these?  Another name for them can be "POWER MOVES". Now...we all know that to create change in our body we need to CHALLENGE it......and use RESISTANCE.  Well...plyo moves use both since you are using your body weight!!

So..why are plyo moves so productive?  You are moving SLOWER and typically using your bodyweight...making your cardio system pick up the slack and making those muscle fibres work AWFULLY hard!! You are working hi to low (ie, jumping hi, squatting low) or side to side in all directions....so really utilizing a lot of systems and muscles!!!  They are tough, challenging..but OH SO productive.  Here's the thing: you want to leave your workout sessions SOAKING wet, CRAWLING (well maybe not crawling lol!!!), and feeling like you can't do another move!! If you leave looking like you did when you arrived; not a hair out of place....and singing easily with a spring in your step...d'ya think your muscles are telling you they were worked?? NOPE!! Don't be afraid of the challenge...don't be scared to be tired, even worn out at the end!! Then....take time to relax over the next day and let those muscles strengthen and do what they do!

You don't need to run on the spot for 10 minutes!! NO!! Take ONE plyometric move and time yourself for 30 seconds.  Perhaps see how many you can do in that 30 second period - WRITE DOWN what you succeeded at - and try for more in your next workout or next week!

What are examples of plyometric moves?

I'll give you a couple....if you would like more....just ask me..I'll be happy to help!! Or...head on over to my SHINE website page or FACEBOOK page and ask me there!!


* Stand with your legs and feet wiiiiide apart; toes slightly turned to the corner (known as the "SUMO" squat)
* Put your hands in prayer at chest level and plie/squat LOW
* Now power up, jump in the air, reaching your hands in the air as you go;
* squat right down again and without a break, power up into your jump
* DO THIS enough...you'll be on your way to strengthening your muscles AND CARDIO system!!


* Stand facing your side and bend down as if you were preparing to run a race, just like they do on the Olympics.  So...front knee should be bent; your hand by your front foot and back leg slightly bent too;
* Now...power down and jump hi.....here's the kicker: as you jump, turn so when you land the OHTER foot is in front;
* As you land go right back to the start position so now you are touching the 'new' front foot as you bend;
* Keep touching your front foo, jumping, turning, land and touch other front foot.

This moves uses the leg muscles again, but also plays with your balance as you turn side to side.  Always a good combo.

IF you were to start with 30 seconds of a plyo move...then do a couple of muscle moves....continuing on with 30 seconds of another plyo move...and keep this up for 20-30 minutes...maaaan...would you have the workout!!!

KEY POINTS: if you ain't sweating and tired at the end...you need more of a challenge.  If you are looking for change...it will only occur if you challenge it to happen!!!

Hope to hear from you about my Fitness class; ENJOY YOUR MONDAY!!
Shine on...
CM :)

Saturday, 5 January 2013

2013....your New Year Revolution!

Happy New Year to you all!

Hoping Christmas was filled with fun and family and you are looking forward to a successful New Year.

What are you going to do now 2013 is here?  Everyone talks about New Year's Resolutions.....how about just making it your New Year Revolution!  Don't just start new things only to have them ebb away by next month.....make a plan for the year; make it simple...and stick to it!!

Try and perhaps make one change each week or even each month, to your workouts!  What would I do first?

Well...they say resistance creates change....so my plan to start would be to make your weights heavier than you have been using. YES!! HEAVIER!!  No!!....as women we won't bulk up to look like the Terminator's wife (did he even have one?!); we just don't have enough testosterone.  Couple your workouts with good cardio that has you sweating buckets and you'll trim down/get lean in no time!!

Why not start today....this week?  Remember...start now.....and in a month I know you will feel changes and be glad you didn't keep putting it off!!

They say when working out that if you add 5 pounds (everyone is different...BOTTOM LINE: go with what you feel comfortable with and what is NOT going to injure you!!) to what you THINK you are capable of using for an exercise...and you should be on the right track.

So...what do I mean?

* Use heavy weights that will challenge you.  Try one set....on the second set you should be REALLY struggling by the last few reps

* You are trying to work your muscles to failure! This is where you will be seeing/feeling results down the road!! Of course...you MUST be able to do the moves with correct form...if you absolutely cannot; that's your body telling you to go a bit lighter.  But...don't be AFRAID!!! Work hard; work heavy!!

* You will also feel your abs working hard and you will be breathing VERY heavily after each exercise (cardio's working too!)...give yourself 60-90 seconds between your moves/circuits so you can do the next move.

NEVER be worried about working to failure! I must admit...I love the feeling of really having to work hard to be able to finish what I'm doing.  If my form is still correct, there's nothing like that challenge as you grimace and groan....you just KNOW you are burning up calories and toning down.

I challenge you; next week at the gym perhaps try just one exercise - say something lower body - and increase those weights.

You WILL lose inches and see toning - you'll be stronger, sleek and so sexy!!!  That's my tip for this week......go for it....make this your change in your workout and make this the start of your

New Year, New You Revolution!!!

Shine on!!
C :)

NB: If you are starting exercising after a long break, or if you have had injuries, or have health issues, etc.....make sure you see a Doctor before doing anything drastic.  If you need tips....make sure you ask a Trainer for some help to ensure you are working safely!!!

Good luck...you WILL be leaner come February!!! :)