Friday 6 September 2013

All Fired Up...about what though?

I have no idea what I'm writing about today - so am letting my fingers just go at it and we shall see what transpires! I am however, feeling rather fired-up - about so much. I have so many ideas, goals, wishes, thoughts filling my head, and so much I want to do to help others feel inspired, empowered and just great about themselves. I find I'm surrounded by such positive, fabulous and enjoyable people. I'm so lucky in that regard. (Still don't really know where this is going...bear with me lol)....I find I listen to speakers and presenters and I want to jump up on stage and be the one voicing my message! But...what IS my message? Hmmm...maybe we are getting somewhere now. I've been a girl with weight issues, image issues and health issues. I've been a Wife (before you get worried, I still am!!)...a Daughter, a Mother, a successful Salesperson, and what I like to call myself a Fitness Coach....I train others but at the same time it ends up not being just about the fitness; I end up giving advice in so many areas in order to help others feel great about themselves. I've been so many things and have experienced so much. I may not have a University degree but man...I have what I believe to be just as important: a Ph.D. in M.T. (many things). Girls need to be taught confidence, self-love, empowerment so young!! Obviously...boys need to also...but I don't think they put themselves down as much as young girls. If I could put my current head on my 12 year old shoulders I'd have enjoyed being a pre-teen and teen so much more. Don't get me wrong; had a wonderful childhood...but there was always that cloud above carrying self-consciousness and more in it. Ready to pour at any time. Children in general need to be lifted up at school and any programs they do. I've seen too many children yelled at for doing a sport incorrectly etc .... yet...the adult doesn't realize to get better results you need to give the child kind gets such wonderful results!!! Women (I train mainly women so I'm going to concentrate on our sex in this discussion...)....are reflections so often of their younger selves. I myself am extremely guilty of took me until my 40's (I thought I was 24, eh??!! :) to finally find my "voice", confidence, self-confidence and so much more. Why til now?? Why can't young girls learn this sooner? I meet so many women through my work and the sad, continuous thread out there is they are always finding something about them to put down. As an example...I went to a party for some girlfriends a few months back. Everyone was laughing, giggling and very welcoming. As soon as I was introduced as a Personal Trainer all conversation stopped - it was almost as if everyone was choking. Sweaters were self-consciously pulled over tummies and the comments that came out about how they need to get fit....they've been busy.....and how they are heavier than they should be. I hadn't made anyone feel this way - in fact due to my self-image and weight issues over the years, I am so empathetic to it almost hurt that they feel they need to talk like that to me now they know my Profession! Gosh...I'm really on a roll now; my fingers can't type fast enough!! It became an experiment of mine that night (as I was telling my Hubby later) to get them to all feel comfortable with me and put them all at ease. And it worked!! We really need to do something; we really need to stop talking about what is wrong about ourselves and talk about what's right. Toot our own horn!! Don't look down on someone who has the confidence to do so! As women we need to be less judgemental and embrace each other and ourselves more. We need to get out there and talk to the younger generations from tots to twenties about helping themselves...helping each other....forget about size, weight, expensive clothing...forget about the actresses always telling us how they stay size minus 10...and begin. Begin laughing...becoming stronger, focus on good health, nutrition, communication, laughter, friendship, interests and so much more. I dunno. I don't know if my fingers wrote anything worthwhile. (if not...we will blame it on them and not on my thought process lol). All I know is I don't know where to begin. I know have SO much to offer with empowering others. I do what I can thru my fitness, coaching and talks...I have the ear to listen, shoulder to lean on for so many. I am here to make a change. It's all "in here" somewhere just itching to be said and now it's time to put it to work.....The change I want to make. The change I want to be....I need to find that stage and tell all those gals how the world is at their feet and they need to look at the good in themselves and each other. How I go about this, I don't know.... But I think the time has come. I'm all fired up.

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