Friday 19 April 2013

Motivation is key!

My message for today? MOTIVATION! I'm so lucky to do something I'm beyond-passionate about and truly get my thrills from helping others get their results! (First they must 'fail' themselves to failure!). I've had three instances lately where 'something' triggered with Clients to make them kick it up a notch and SERIOUSLY get healthier ( harder and eat right!! One was a person who went for a jog for the first time - evurrrrrr on pavement (as opposed to a cardio machine). This person was absolutely shocked at their results and realized how unfit they are. It shook them up...and they so understood the importance of being healthy and strong that they have switched to serious exercise and nutrition. Second person is a Client who wanted herself and her Child to be fitter - and slimmer: both were drastically overweight. As much as I tried to give them hard work and tips......they weren't willing to get serious about their food. I took her aside one day and said I felt uncomfortable taking their money when they weren't working properly towards their goals. I also mentioned the reason (her child) they had begun. That was the pivotal moment for her - and them. I'm so proud: they work like dogs and are eating SO well...making all the RIGHT decisions. So happy! They are losing weight by the week! She (for the first time ever!!!) has a waistline and her child's clothes from last summer are now waaaaay too BIG!! Yayyyy! Lastly - a Client again has been working SO hard with me...but wasn't serious about the food. Peeps!!! NOOOOO point in working like a dog if you aren't going to eat right!! Well..there is ALWAYS point to workout...but results won't follow! This Client had her measurements taken....wasn't happy with the small results. Well...we had a talk: me saying I can work you hard every time but if your eating out a ton and making pies at results will happen. Again: this was her moment and she as of this week is eating right! Next time we measure I'm excited, since she WILL get her results! you need to become healthier? Fitter? Smaller? If so....are you truly giving it your all? If you are honest and are not, answer me this: What's your motivation going to be? Hopefully...this post is it! Shine On...

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