Monday 18 March 2013

Time to get honest: are you doing enough?

There are lots of us out there who always are trying to reach that goal if feeling right in our own skin, no?  I know a lot who want to look better, feel better...whatever it may be. But I actually have a couple of questions:

Are you really - if you were totally honest with yourself - working yourself hard enough, and;
Do you want it badly enough?

Most people feel they are a 'yes' to number two...but I wonder if everyone is really working themselves as hard as they could?

Don't get me wrong...I'm not putting down anyone who gets out there and exercises regularly in some form. order to get the results of becoming leaner, stronger, faster, more flexible...are you really doing what is needed?

Having said this: I'm not sure everyone KNOWS exactly what is needed for these desired results! The more women I speak with, the more I realize...not everyone knows what to do! Now...I'm not going to go into what each person should do for each wish list....that I will happily answer in person if needed. I will however state some points I've come to realize help me - so if they help me...hopefully they will help others!

1. WORK WITH WEIGHTS! I don't mean little toddlers like 3lbs! I mean...pick up heavy weights! want to make sure what you are using is doable and that your form can be perfect whilst working,,,,but you want to make sure you are being challenged! I can't say it enough: if Yu are not breathing heavy by the end - or finding it challenging - your weights are not heavy enough! You will NOT create CHANGE without challenging be brave and try working with something heavier! If you aren't sure...ask a trainer for tips, advice, help..

2.  WORK THE CARDIO!! Know what I do? Forget doing eight jumping jacks or runs on the spot! I put my clock on 30 seconds or a minute and I GO! Why do I do this? Here's my way of thinking: if you say you are going to do eight or ten of something. You do eight or ten. You may not be challenged by the last one! If you put your timer on...and make yourself go until either you max out or the clock stops....maaaaaan do you feel it! You are out of breath, sweaty...but boy do you feel good (I know...I'm weird!).  Like anything: don't take the easy way out.  Work HARD!

3. DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! This is fatal! So many women do this at the gym; they see the gal doing tons of push ups next to them, feel intimidated and thus don't try a push up for fear of looking bad! What thy don't perhaps realize is Miss 100 push ups - BEGAN SOMEWHERE too! Perhaps she was obese, worked so hard she is in great shape, and would be happy to help! Or, perhaps she wasn't able to do any push ups a year ago but persevered! There could be so many 'maybe's' and yet you end up not trying. Never worry about the gal next to you! You are at the gym for YOU! To heck with anyone else. You can only do one push up? That's more than the person not trying them! And one turns into more fast! The other point I should make is this: most people are so engrossed in their workouts...thy don't even look at who is around them! I know I don't!  So: next time Yu are at the gym (you said tomorrow, no?!?), take the bull by the horns and do those push-ups! One of be best moves out there!

4. GET THE FORM RIGHT! If your form is correct, there's no knowing where you can go! You can build on each move and make them harder every time your body gets used to one! You must challenge those muscles; make them have to adapt to what you are doing...that adapting is making them go ' wow..WHAT is she doing?' And they must figure it out...THAT is working them hard and keeping them guessing!

5. EXERCISE NO MATTER WHAT.  My biggest issue is most people in this day and age of busy-ness...just don't ave time to exercise. I think a lot of peeps don't think deeply about the ramifications of this. I call it the RRSP of fitness. You aren't necessarily working out just for today - you are working out for the day your body finds itself in a hind; perhaps thru illness or n injury, and it NEEDS you to be strong to pull thru! Do you know how many operations my Parents have been thru over these last few years...and at 73 and 78 thy have come thru laughing...and the Doctors are blown away by their recovery? Wasn't great genes, I tell you: it was the decades of fitness they've found the time to do (and still do!).  Don't tell me it's not important to find time seen the proof time and time again!


What's that?

How many minutes in a day.

If you value your health both today and tomorrow....and you REALLY do want results...Lyon WILL find 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes to do what is right for you!

I'm happy to help......just ask! You can see I'm passionate about this: my goal is to make others passionate too!

Shine On...

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