Thursday 6 September 2012

Are you getting anywhere?

One thing I've noticed a lot of the time working with many over the years - and observing too - is the hard work (and time!) people put into their workouts.......yet don't quite have the form down. The tiniest difference in foot positioning, weight bearing, etc...can make all the difference between right and wrong.

Why does this matter? I hear you say? Great question! And it DOES matter! Perhaps your feet are placed incorrectly...this could lead to the knees leaning in and in turn knee issues.  Keep in mind everything is perhaps a knee issue could turn into something else since the incorrect stance made you compensate somewhere else? We must think about these things!

For those of you on my Facebook page, I will be concentrating on typical issues or errors people do - and showing you how to rectify them. But for now....think about your workouts. How safe are they? Remember: you only want to build on a moves difficulty when you have the base form correct. I liken it to us being like trees...our feet are the root system. We must ensure they are in the right place in order for the move to work. From there...move up your body; check out how/where your knees are; are your abs activated? Is your back long, etc, etc.

Take the time at the beginning of every move to do a check in everything. If your body is in the correct position with the correct base, you will decrease chances of injury, allow yourself to build on strength and modify moves correctly and better yet, you will see and feel results since yu are doing things RIGHT! I'm always reminded of instructing a weight class at a Gym here and how one gal would always stand at the front .....heavy weights on her bar; as many times as I told her how to correctly do a squat - I was almost blue in the face actually - she NEVER waivered from 'her' version: tilting the body compleeeetely forward and bending so low, going over her toes (OUCH!).

I know I can't reach everyone...but...for those I can, my message is clear and I feel a very important one: if you are keeping fit with exercise, constantly check your form, set-up each move correctly and if you aren't quite sure....ASK ;) there is no point spending time doing a move yourself time and injury by doing it right.

Many of my Clients needed a small 'tweak' on their squats and lunges....I typically get responses such as "wow!, can I ever feel the difference!' or 'I never knew that'! I feel sometimes it's worth having refresher Sessions for groups just to ensure people are correct in their form.

Work right....allows you to work harder!!


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