Thursday, 15 January 2015

Upcoming Events worth checking out:

Upcoming Events, Sessions and Offers for January/ February, 2015:

Valentine's Offer:

Support Package:

* 1-hour Evaluation Consult: Get measured, see where you are starting. Goal-setting and learning what you can do when. This is your "benchmark" Session.

* 2 further hour-long sessions over the months to re-evaluate, see where you are, where your challenges are most and where you shine. Have there been any changes? If not...we help re-align you with your goals.

Valentine's Offer: $100 ($125 value).

Fun Training for you and your Daughter:

* We all know the pressures girls are under to have the perfect body based on media erception and what friends are up to.
* We also know that some girls don't like to work out for fear of judgement, failure and looking bulky.

* Let's help your Daughter together. Come out together: As many or as few sessions, with 10% off for coming together. Have some fun, meaningful mom-daughter time, learn together, help each other and let's help you Daughter feel so strong and confident while learning the right health-values that she 'shines'.

10% off if purchase 5 or more sessions.

BOXING/BOSU workout:

This exciting training session will be like no other! 5 Sessions where you'll box the hour away (and enjoy it!) while also working with the innovative BOSU that you can do so much with!



Looking for something different; using your body-weight? Look no further. Contact me for some toning like you've not tried yet!!

$200 for 5 Sessions.

Want to keep it fun? Give me a call. If you ENJOY it, you'll DO it. If you have someone helping you, challenging you, motivating'll be more prone to stick with it.

I can be that person...just give me a try!

Contact me at:


Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Friends: I have a wonderful tip for you about getting fit. Looking to lose weight? Become more toned, stronger, fitter? Whatever it is you are looking's not about dieting and ramping up the workouts til you hate the thought of doing them and thus quit: It's about CHANGING YOUR BEHAVIOUR. Slowly but surely this will work.

TRIED ALL THE DIETS/ FOOD COMPANIES in the book? Hasn't worked or you've gained back? It's not that they failed you or you failed's actually that you need to look deeper and change your behaviour when it comes to eating and fitness. Believe it! Get this figured out and you'll never worry again!! Here are some tips below on how to start this. If you like what you see and are looking for more, let me know: come for a consult and let me get you started!!



Wanting to lose some pounds? Don't pressure yourself so you feel like giving up! Here's a tip: If you have an end-goal of 10 pounds, have a goal of 2 pounds to start. You will find by doing it this way you are very productive. It's much easier to lose 2 than will stay motivated, on track and ultimately be successful!


I've said it before, I'll say it again, "NEAT" - basically the activity you are doing when you aren't exercising. All those bursts of energy you can add to your day will ultimately benefit you. Examples would be:

- Park far away from any building you are entering;
- Watching tv and relaxing? Fine...maybe during commercials get up and do something;
- Have walking meetings at work (seriously...they are popular!);
- Work out first thing so you are energized; have it off your list and can chill after work!
- Enlist your together and walk together;
- Have shoes and/or workout gear right at the front door so you can't miss 'em.


No matter what: make yourself go for a 15 minute walk after work or school. No discussion, no question. Maybe the first week will be tough, but you will find you eventually look forward to it. This will clear your mind. Allow you to be in the present; you will even work through problems! Put on some tunes and enjoy being in the moment while doing something for yourself.


We need this! I can't stress this one enough! It has been scientifically proven that it helps weight loss (if it's healthy of course!). By eating a good, healthy breakfast in the morning, you don't get as hungry. Not as hungry means you aren't make healthy choices for lunch and so on. Keep in mind: the healthier the choices you make...the more you are so "invested" in this, the less you will want to eat crap. Just try!


Again...if you want to eat a cleaner diet (I am such a believer in this!), don't go whole hog in one week taking out all refined sugars, pops if you drink them, carbs as a whole and more. You've gotta take your time for this to work. Taking them all out at once is denying yourself. Denying yourself is dieting. Dieting means you will get cranky, give up and not feel accomplished. Perhaps try some of the following ideas:

- Don't want to eat refined sugar anymore (well done! Great plan!), start small; ie, if you eat a bagel every day, mix it up and take it to every other day instead. Once you're good there, perhaps eat one every three days and so on...until you don't feel the need to eat them at all.
- Get creative in the kitchen! It's time to stop taking the quick'n'easy route; for your health and your Family's!! Having rice with dinner? Use brown rice - or quinoa. Give this a still get the "feel" that you are eating something filling like rice, but it's good for you! Add oil, veggies - even Indian spices (yum!) to quinoa and you will find it's not only deeelish - but it gives you that same satisfied feel!!
- Find you are a pop drinker? Same as my point above: begin taking it out one day, or one pop at a time. I can't stress how you need to get this out of your diet. Think the "diet" pops are helping you lose weight? Think again, compadr´e!! Ease yourself out of it and you won't look back.
- Drink more water! We all know the benefits of water which I'm sure I don't need to say....but this wonderfu, easily-accessible and free drink is yours for the taking so start drinking it! Add a glass here and there into your day. Not only will your body say thank you, but you will find you eat less snacky-type foods AND the pop desire will dwindle!


Very important point here. So many just don't exercise if they don't have an hour. Don't use that as an excuse! Walk where and when you can. Using a computer? STAND instead of sitting. When it comes to working out however try some of these ideas:

- only have 10? Go for a brisk walk, or even walk up and down your stairs!
- 15-20? Work short but work hard! Take 10 exercises combining strength with cardio (including power bursts; will get to them in a minute!). Do these ten - and repeat them again for a couple more sets. If you have the RIGHT kind of exercises you will be dripping by the end - as if you'd worked for an hour.
- 40-60 mins? Depending upon your goals, work with sets here...still incorporate strength, cardio, power - but you can do a proper full workout. Perhaps work just upper body one day and lower the next.
- TIME YOURSELF: why? I can't talk enough about this one! By timing yourself on the cardio exercises, it becomes a great challenge; you WANT to finish; your pride kicks in and I honestly think you push yourself MUCH harder than if you were doing sets.

7. 10,000 STEPS EACH DAY? You've gotta get your heartrate up!

Great that you are going for your 10,000 steps each day....but don't let that misguide you. You must at some point during the day get your heartrate elevated - start slow if you are beginning...but you will be surprised with perserverence that you can get to the 80-85% region and still be able to work out. You need to challenge the eart in a positive way that is doable for you....just walking 10,000 is great if it's a start for you...but isn't enough for the rest of your life if you aren't increasing your heart rate when training. See this link for more info:

That's it Friends! I hope you begin this year with energy, good choices and the will to do great things for you and your Family!

Need help? Want more info? Please don't hesitate to contact me at: SHINEFITNESS74@GMAIL.COM

CM :)