Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Getting ready for Summer?

It's "that" time of year again; when everyone works a little bit harder at exercise to feel good in the summer! It seems there are seasons where people step up their programs: Spring......Pre-Summer.....Late Fall when it's the build-up-to "LBD" Season! Well...hint number one from me: make fitness and eating well a year-round priority and you will no longer have these periods where you need to step things up. You will always feel (and let's be honest..we want to look good too) good, no matter "when"! So....I thought I'd give a few tips for shaping up for now. Everyone has their opinions on what works....but I like to go by what I know. What results I've seen both with myself and with my Clients. Follow some or all of these tips and you'll be well on the road to your bikini!! Shine Fit-tip 1: Hang up what it is you are REALLY hoping to fit into by let's say, end June. Put it on your dresser, closet doors....anywhere you will see it when you first wake up in the morning!! This will drive you to start the day correctly knowing what your goals are!! Shine Fit-tip 2: EAT BREAKFAST!! I know SO many people who skip this meal!! Seriously...it's madness to do so!! Your body has been starving all night...only to wake up in the morning and be deprived.....and THEN: made to go to the office, gym, drop kids off and run errands...on NOTHING? C'mon...you wouldn't do this to your car!! Eat something; even just a banana...but get something in you. Know what? The more (healthier foods obviously lol!) you start the day with....the fuller you stay! It's been proven that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than those who skip it. So eat!! Shine Fit-tip 3: EXERCISE!! Not one to like this? Find something you like and DO it. You'll feel better, fit into those lovely clothes easily, improve your general health, strength, mobility, agility, endurance and more. We all know that though, don't we? It's a matter of TIME. Well...here are a few more thoughts if time is tight for you: --- Quality over Quantity: don't try and find an hour in the day if you can't. Do 15 mins, 30 mins. But train HARD! It's WHAT you do...now how MUCH you do when it comes to time constraints! Instead of thinking you don't have any time, therefore you won't....take those 30 minutes of couch time and do a small workout...but powerful! --- Power power power!!! Incorporate POWER into ANY workout you do!! What are power moves? Well...rather than doing jumping jacks on the spot, go much slower....or grab a medicine ball, stand with your feet hip-width, lower your butt looooooow and step or jump your feet in and out...slowly. Get on your hands and feet in plank position and do the "mountain climber" - ie, running your feet in whilst keeping your bum low. One move I've found lately I LOVE is doing what's known as the inchworm (start standing, bend your knees so your hands are on the floor; walk your hands out til you are in the plank position. Once there, jump both feet in and then jump them out - back to plank - and walk your hands back to your feet, finishing with standing up and jumping. Then start again. Sound easy??? Try this for 30 seconds..it's brilliant and gets you working!!!). There are many POWER moves - you can ask me or you can look on line. You want to lose inches? Use POWER!!! --- STRENGTH TRAIN!!! Want to change the way you look??? Want to become leaner in places you've been wishing would decrease in size for a while?? It's time to strength train. And I don't mean with 2 pound weights. You've gotta go HEAVY!! You have to feel your heart pumping, breath getting harder and sweat-galore!! Of course..it goes without saying you MUST know what you are doing, be able to do this....have the correct form, etc, etc. So ask for help. You want to do a move where it's what I say: "challenging but doable". But DO IT!! Shine Fit-tip 4: Check your daily protein intake. Are you getting enough? Your body needs this to be able to work hard! Too many of us are trying to "be good" and eat salads, etc, etc....and the protein goes out the window. You will lose more if you eat right...and you need protein!! It will NOT make you gain weight....figure out your daily requirement (again...the internet is great for finding things like this out if you go to respected sites). I personally was not eating enough. Now I make sure I get it with every meal and along with my workout routines, I've reached goals I haven't reached in years. As always though; speak to someone who can help you with this if you need it! Shine Fit-tip 5: Two things here: BE PATIENT and DON'T GIVE UP!! Too many people want results "tomorrow" and when they don't see them, give up. Why??!! If you are working out harder and eating correctly.....but haven't seen the results yet....surely you are in a better place physically, mentally than you were when you weren't working out? Surely you are one step closer to those ever-elusive results SHOWING UP!! So...why stop?? You have to keep going...it's an absolute must. You will wake up one day and find your clothes looser, your body measurements smaller, your body fat percentage decreased!! You will!! So you can't give up. If you reach that time...push through and don't stop....the results are right around the corner!! Shine Fit-tip 6: GET AN ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY!!!!! What's this??? Especially if you feel you will topple off the "fitness wagon" make sure you enlist a family member, friend, co-worker...heck...even someone at the gym to help you!! Tell them what you are doing each day. Ask them if they will help you...and perhaps you will arrange to email them at the beginning of each day or week as to what your fitness plans are and nutrition plans. Or perhaps you'll email them what you've done at the end of the day. BUT!!! If you don't do what you set out to do....they have to follow up and between the two of you workout how they will get you to do it. Just that little push will be what you need...and so worth it!! I have a wonderful Client who gets an accountability buddy every time either she is going somewhere or if she can't train with me one week. You can't put your head on your pillow until you've done SOMETHING in a day!! It's also sort of like having a workout buddy....get someone to train with you and you won't want to let them down! Shine Fit-tip 7: Be a LIONESS!!! What do I mean for this final point??????? Go to that gym and be fierce with your workout!!! Don't use light weights....or workout in such a way that you leave as gorgeous as you went in!! You want to leave on your hands and knees.....sweaty like no get-go and feeling ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! Can't say enough about those endorphins!!! So....don't go and do a light'n'fluffy workout....you want results???? Go and attack that GYM!!! So!! Here's a start for your Summer body!! Need any more help...I'm here to help...just ask!!! Shine On...!