How's 2013 going so far? Have you hit February like MANY people out there......with those good intentions you had at New Years a distant dream? Are you concerned, challenged...or even frustrated with the fact they've slowed down or come to a halt??
My advice??
Need some help? I can offer you some tips to get back on track!! If it's important to you (which your fitness health should be...) try a little bit at a time.
What you WANT is to make health and fitness a consistent, daily, regular, ENJOYable thing....NOT a once-a-year item at New Year's!! So....what are some ways to get back on track?
Firstly...."get back on track"! Some people find that come February their energy for getting in shape or to the next level of their fitness, plummets. What do the majority do then? Come to a screetching halt!! Just like when people are trying to make their way of eating healthier (I don't like the word "diet"!!!)...they have one cookie and believe they have screwed it all up so they stop and just keep eating cookies!! Noooooo!!! Have a bad day; eat a goodie? No worries!! Just keep going with your goals...don't give up!!!
Secondly..."rethink". Huh?? I hear you say? What do you enjoy....what can you put in to your lifestyle that will keep you fit......and keep your fitness routine so, well..."routine"...that it becomes an everyday thing to do? Personally, I don't make New Year's Resolutions. My Fitness is a daily thing for me. I fit something in whenever I can (leading me to my next point!!!) to ensure it's there and stays there. So...come January First of every year...I'm good.
Thirdly...."just do it"!! Yes....the Nike saying is perfect. Don't think...just do. Morning person?? Put your alarm on for 15 (yes..JUST 15!!) mins earlier and get up, do some power moves, pushups, etc and boom! You've begun the day the right way!!! You WILL find you have more energy...may even push you to walk at lunch! Can't work out at all in the morning? Get home from work...plonk down your purse and head back out the door for a walk...Don't even think about it!!! Just go!!! Put on the tunes, head out the door. My thought is when I don't feel like working out (due to laziness...not sickness!) is I'm going to put my workout gear on and get in the car...see where I go and that's all I need..I'm at the gym!! Or.....head to your basement for 20-30 mins; put on REALLY LOUD music and move!!! Seriously...if you do it without putting all those barriers up such as having to cook dinner, do will find you get it done and feel all the better for it!! Don't let your "Mom" brain take over about what you should be doing...dinner will get fed, laundry will be there, etc, etc...just do something that is IMPORTANT for YOU!
So...if you find you are back in the same old rut as each year and want inspiration....put that bikini (yes you CAN wear a bikini!!!) on your dresser as a reminder and think how WONDERFUL you will feel wearing it this summer. Put the effort in much as you may not want to.....and you'll be so happy you did.
Remember...those of us nuts out there who work out regularly and seem very fit...we still have our days we would rather not....we just choose to do it regardless.
If I didn't feel like brushing my teeth...I would still do it, since it's needed for my dental health. Don't you think we should see our Fitness health the same way??
Let me know if you have any questions!! Otherwise...get back on track......feel GRRREAT and ....
Shine on!