So.....I figured I'd write a bit of honesty everyone out there who knows I'm a Trainer can see I'm 'real'....and by real I mean chubbly-having-eaten-out a bit too much real this Summer! did this start? Gotta blame it on the fat's all their fault. And my Husband's computer. Seriously.
Now...don't get me wrong; I'm still strong and can work out hard til I'm crawling out of the gym (and those of you who know me...know I love that feeling!!) I'm just a bit 'softer' having thoroughly enjoyed relaxing with my family. Again.....don't get me wrong: I still worked out regularly since fitness should be a regular part of life (just had yo get that in lol!)...I think I may have just enjoyed my eating with Family, Friends - oh...and me a bit much this summer ;)
So....where do the calipers and computer come in? Funny story that. I decided I wanted to offer my Clients another option for measuring their progress so purchased a set. To practice using them I decided to try them out on myself. In order to get your measurements you must weigh yourself (this, I typically don't do...and after stepping on the scales I decided immediately we were not getting along that day. At least my fat percentage was okay still with relation to my weight, but still...the disagreement was there even if the scales weren't (they made it out to the garbage). So with the calipers done...I wanted to do some work on my fitness Website which meant going to my Hubby's computer for a picture he had taken of me in my Lulu Lemon at the beginning of summer (note the word 'beginning' it is relevant!). Scrolling down I found a picture he'd unknowingly taken of me in my bikini toward the END of the summer! That's where the shock really registered! I think it was a picture of someone else personally (which begs the questions who are they and what are they doing in my bikini?!
No. Sadly .....everything filling that bikini was aaaaall me!
There is a good part to this story of real, larger me! Sometimes a reality check is what you need! It has spurred me on to new challenges and bigger goals this Fall for which I'm quite excited! The other good news is ...I might not be scaring people in my bikini til next summer! I'm gung-ho to go and looking forward to challenging myself...and letting my Clients know I 'get it'....I suffer from the love of food like the next person. And boy do I suffer!! ;)
That won't stop me though...might sting for a while but with hard work and effort I might be able to love the calipers....and maybe don that bikini next summer with pride!!