Friday, 27 April 2012

Don't TALK about being in Shape...DO it!

Are you still feeling like you want to be in better shape but don't know how?  Are you truly giving this your all?  Or...are you like I've been for a while now.....'think' I'm eating correctly and exercising...buuut...nothing's changing and I don't know why?  
Summer's coming and now is the time to put ALL your effort in and make the changes you want!!  Give it your all and you will feel better for it ...but don't go half-way...go all the way; re-vamp HOW you are eating, WHAT you are eating if need-be...and train like you've never trained before.....CHALLENGE yourself!! SWEAT!!!  Make your muscles have to adapt to the new workout you are giving them. Don't just do the same-old same-old as you've always done!!
My next blog will cover my thoughts on how to re-vamp your workout, but here's my thought for today!!  TRY IT!!
Use a food journal!  I tell you...they SO help!  I picked mine up from a large Bookstore in the Journals section and I'm all inspired to be in the best shape I've ever been in!
Why is a Journal so HELPFUL for weight loss?
It keeps you within the daily limits you should be consuming. Stay within your daily limits and guess what?  You don't nibble and you don't eat excess calories, fat, carbs...etc....
It makes you accountable!! BIG reason to do it!  You find you write down everything you ingest - and by doing so it actually becomes quite exciting (I'm warped, what can I say?!). Each day I can't wait to see how well I did by the end of the day!
You aren't hungry!! You don't snack!! That's enough reason right there!!!  Because you are now getting the right amounts of food well as eating the RIGHT foods (fruits, veggies, etc) will find you are full.  No more feeling hungry between meals.  I am no longer snacking on a cracker/cheese here and there.  They all add up and you may find by the end of a non-journal, picking day...that you consumed more calories and fat just by nibbling.   Record your food and all of a sudden this doesn't occur anymore. I swear...NO urge to nibble here!!
It helps you lose weight! What more reason do you need?  By keeping your food limits in place, and working out...the pounds WILL drop off.  I am speaking from experience here!
...This really doesn't take much effort.  But if you are at a place where you find you are trying SO much and the results are SO little, don't you think it's time to try something different?  The little book will fit into your purse and you can record at any time. 
I DARE YOU to try will be happy you did!
Don't get me wrong...JUST recording won't do the trick!! It's all about your lifestyle.  Record what you eat and eat well, exercise each day (find something you ENJOY doing!!!) and you will find the pounds go.
3500 calories = 1 lb!!  This sounds a lot but it isn't!  I'm eating my limit of calories each day, working out (so burning calories) and by the end of each day my "Caloric Deficit" is 400+ calories!  This week the difference between what I've eaten and what I've expended has been more than 3800 calories!! That's more than a pound!!
I'm having my glass of wine, my square of dark chocolate, my lovely regular meals.  I am not missing anything...I'm just eating far better, staying fuller and eating the correct sizes!!
Really!  This will help you if you give it and exercise a try.  Put the effort in - you WILL get the results back!!
Don't be the one who doesn't try but doesn't know why nothing's the one to do it right...and have all your Girlfriends wondering how you look so GREAT!!! 2012 Rock on!!
SHINE on..

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Hellowwww Everyone!!!

I'm in Creative-mode today (I'll forewarn you now!) and have lots to say. "SHINEtalk" as I like to call it. 

I really don't wish to harp on the fact that I'm still on crutches...but I realised something extremely interesting - and important - the other day and just HAD to write about it.  

I'm smiling more.

Yes. You read correctly...M-O-R-E.

This is so significant I had to share!

Why?  Many reasons.   I find people you don't know are so much kinder and helpful when you need help. Crossing the street cars will stop - at places where without crutches they typically keep driving.  Doors are being opened non-stop for me (even though I'm quite happy doing this for myself!) and people are SMILING AT me more....talking to me more - it's mind-boggling! return...I'm smiling more at EVERYone!  But feel so much better inside!!  Yes, I'm typically a smiler....but people don't really smile back.  Now I find they are smiling, I'm's just a happy world I'm living in!  Similar to how great people are at Disney World...the world of happiness....but you get back to real life and not everyone is like that anymore.  

How has this affected me?  What to think about it?? least it's great to know people are kind when you need something - but it also makes me wonder why people don't smile more, open doors more, stop for you more....regularly?  

It's also made me feel so uplifted.  No...I won't milk it and stay on my crutches all year!! I think I'm near the time where I won't have to use them. But I'm FAR happier!  Truly! I believe this whole experience has made me a FAR better person (and I THOUGHT I was perfect!!!) :)

This experience for me has been eye-opening: from support from unexpected no support from those I would have though would have offered something!.  Don't get me wrong...I have not expected or wanted anything...but it does make you realize who truly cares!!

On top of this...since I'm smiling more...and feeling so much better for it...crutches or not....I'm staying this way!!  

So...when faced with challenges of any kind, it's HOW you handle them that counts.  

Shine on....!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Enjoy the Small Stuff!

Enjoying the Small Stuff :)'s coming up to my 3rd month on crutches and finally at the 'good' end of the 7 months of health 'challenges' - I wanted to share some things I have learnt along the way!
I've learnt an awful lot while on them.  Some things I already knew but had them reinforced, some are brand new.  Either way...thought I'd share them.

1. Everyone has their own problems; yours are no more; yours are no more than theirs. 
Some of those I hoped for some form of help from, didn't. an air kiss, pretended to in a way that made them feel better but nothing substantial that made me feel they cared.  But...I guess it made me realise that nowadays, everyone has stuff going on and it's not always about yourself.  Taught me that even though I really want to help others, not everyone feels the same or has the opportunity...and I can't complain about it! Rather than focus on those who didn't meet 'hopes'....I'm grateful for those who did!
2. Kindness comes from unexpected places. 
We've lived on our Street for 8 years or so now.  One Neighbour who we wave to each other but have never spoken or introduced ourselves...turned up with home-made Banana Bread (yum!!!) the other day.  She saw I was on crutches and decided to make some for me.  To this day I am still touched by that beyond words.
3. It's not all about grateful for those who care!
They are precious. You know who you are :)
4. Yes ..... you CAN!
The first while I was not able to do much.  Then I got sick of that. Rather than focussing on what I couldn't do....I decided to start with what I COULD do.  I MUST work out or it's like I've had my right arm cut off.  I decided to go to the gym and see what I could do.  It was amazing!  Not only did it help me physically (I believe this is why my leg is improving), but mentally also.  I can't wait to get there and challenge myself more each time!!!  I'm happier, stronger and willing to do more!!
5. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate!!!
Sitting in the hospital as I awaited tests, I would watch the goings-ons.  I would be able to hobble out of there at the end of my tests and down the road get rid of my crutches and eventually be able to do all I could do before.  Being there reinforced that some people won't have those luxuries. I appreciate so much more.
6. Love, Smile, ENJOY!!!
With all I have learnt I am smiling more, showing my happiness more, understanding more and not so fast to judge a bad driver for instance. If they are doing something stupid, perhaps they have a child in the backseat who needed them...perhaps they just got awful news and are heading somewhere frantically - unable to think straight. Or...perhaps they just had a moment of driving stupidly!  I feel far more peaceful now that I try and understand more.
7. Half Full?  Or...half Empty??
So many sweet people I bump into (I try to leave no bruising!!! :) state their sympathy and how awful it must be on crutches...with the pain. Nope!  I look at this as a period where I had (am having) challenges with my health but you get stronger with it all.  Definitely Half Full!  Big believer in positive thinking and although perhaps I have had some days feeling a bit sorry for myself, it soon passes.  Those days I tend to see someone blind trying to cross a street...or someone else in a wheelchair...for good.  Can't help but realise crutches for a few months or so is no problem whatsoever!!!

My message?  Half Full all the way!!!
My aim is to help Women and girls feel empowered and better about themselves through the whole gammut that is fitness; mind, body, soul........SHINE